Page 72 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 72
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 72Island Of Prvić/VodiceIn the NP Kornati due to the long-term
Inhabitants number (2011.): Prvić Luka (164); protection, the underwater park is character
hereditatiPrvić Šepurine (239); Vodice (8.875)ized by exceptional biodiversity. In addition
to the settlements of the Posidonia oceanica,
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving which inhabits most of the shallower (up to 40
Climate m) well-lit moving basins, the most interesting
The annual average sea and coastal air tempera coraligenic habitats are present in the subma
ture is 15.70 ° C, and the island is higher for the rine of vertical cliffs rich in various marine spe
season. The coldest calendar month in the year is cies, among which the “forests” of the coral cor
January when the average monthly air tempera al large horns and large crabs, hlapa and lobster.
ture in the coastal and offshore is 7.30 ° C and on There are 352 species of algae (13 endemic), three
the island is 8.40 ° C, and the warmest month Adriatic sea flora, 22 coral corpses, 177 molluscs,
is July with a mean monthly temperature in the 55 decononavian crabs, 64 blackbirds and 160
coastal and offshore areas of 24.90 ° C, and on species of fish found on the list of known spe
the islands of 24.40 ° C. The sea temperatures cies for the underwater world of the NP Korna
are from December to April between 10-15 ° C, ti. There is a constant population of good dol
and from May to November between 15 – 25 ° C. phins in the aquatorium of the park, and the sea
turtle is often seen.
According to climate predispositions, the
diving season could last 6-7 months: from Šibenik underwater has an extremely favora-
May to November. Given that it is current- ble natural resource base for diving since nu-
ly 3-4 months from June to September, it can merous marine areas are protected, provid-
be concluded that the potential of diving ing exceptional biodiversity and making it
tourism in pre-season and subsection is in- attractive for diving.
sufficiently utilized.
Diving Sites
Underwater In the Diving Guide to the Submarine of Šibe-
Among the many diving destinations on the nik-Knin County: Diving in the most amaz-
Adriatic, Šibenik’s undersea for its natural-ge ing part of the Mediterranean (2011), there were
ographic characteristics and preservation is cer 47 diving sites separated from Rogoznica to
tainly one of the most interesting. Proof of space Kornati and the island of Žutog. Most local
value are numerous protected areas (NP Kor ities are natural attractions such as underwa
nati, significant landscapes of the Žutsko-Sep ter reefs, caves, underwater walls, rocks. Loca
tic Group of the Island and Kanal-Luka in Sibe tions are mostly located at depths of 6 to 65 m
nik and 18 ecological network ecological sites). which allows for a diversified offer for all cate
At the entrance to the canal is the Fortress of St. gories of divers. There were two wrecks from the
Nikole, built from 1543 to 1547, whose undersea site: the sinking ship Francesca da Rimini from
is interesting for diving. 1944. in front of the island of Kaprije, which is
one of the most attractive wrecks in the Adriat
In the aquarium of the Žutsko-Styptic ic and woodcutter Zlarin. One of the localities
group of islands can often be seen strictly pro of Eco Dive (near Rogoznica) is well present
tected species: good dolphin and chamois. Of ed: in co-operation with biologists at the site are
the many species of fish, they are often protect placed underwater plates with descriptions of
ed: chamois, pagar, kavala, tuna and koraf and species that live there.
strictly protected: sea horse - dugokljunica and
drozd. Most of the coastal belt is covered with Apart from the aforementioned locali
preserved meadows of sea flower posidonia. ties presented in the diving guide, local div
ing clubs have: Wreck Gladijator (Italian steam
Inhabitants number (2011.): Prvić Luka (164); protection, the underwater park is character
hereditatiPrvić Šepurine (239); Vodice (8.875)ized by exceptional biodiversity. In addition
to the settlements of the Posidonia oceanica,
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving which inhabits most of the shallower (up to 40
Climate m) well-lit moving basins, the most interesting
The annual average sea and coastal air tempera coraligenic habitats are present in the subma
ture is 15.70 ° C, and the island is higher for the rine of vertical cliffs rich in various marine spe
season. The coldest calendar month in the year is cies, among which the “forests” of the coral cor
January when the average monthly air tempera al large horns and large crabs, hlapa and lobster.
ture in the coastal and offshore is 7.30 ° C and on There are 352 species of algae (13 endemic), three
the island is 8.40 ° C, and the warmest month Adriatic sea flora, 22 coral corpses, 177 molluscs,
is July with a mean monthly temperature in the 55 decononavian crabs, 64 blackbirds and 160
coastal and offshore areas of 24.90 ° C, and on species of fish found on the list of known spe
the islands of 24.40 ° C. The sea temperatures cies for the underwater world of the NP Korna
are from December to April between 10-15 ° C, ti. There is a constant population of good dol
and from May to November between 15 – 25 ° C. phins in the aquatorium of the park, and the sea
turtle is often seen.
According to climate predispositions, the
diving season could last 6-7 months: from Šibenik underwater has an extremely favora-
May to November. Given that it is current- ble natural resource base for diving since nu-
ly 3-4 months from June to September, it can merous marine areas are protected, provid-
be concluded that the potential of diving ing exceptional biodiversity and making it
tourism in pre-season and subsection is in- attractive for diving.
sufficiently utilized.
Diving Sites
Underwater In the Diving Guide to the Submarine of Šibe-
Among the many diving destinations on the nik-Knin County: Diving in the most amaz-
Adriatic, Šibenik’s undersea for its natural-ge ing part of the Mediterranean (2011), there were
ographic characteristics and preservation is cer 47 diving sites separated from Rogoznica to
tainly one of the most interesting. Proof of space Kornati and the island of Žutog. Most local
value are numerous protected areas (NP Kor ities are natural attractions such as underwa
nati, significant landscapes of the Žutsko-Sep ter reefs, caves, underwater walls, rocks. Loca
tic Group of the Island and Kanal-Luka in Sibe tions are mostly located at depths of 6 to 65 m
nik and 18 ecological network ecological sites). which allows for a diversified offer for all cate
At the entrance to the canal is the Fortress of St. gories of divers. There were two wrecks from the
Nikole, built from 1543 to 1547, whose undersea site: the sinking ship Francesca da Rimini from
is interesting for diving. 1944. in front of the island of Kaprije, which is
one of the most attractive wrecks in the Adriat
In the aquarium of the Žutsko-Styptic ic and woodcutter Zlarin. One of the localities
group of islands can often be seen strictly pro of Eco Dive (near Rogoznica) is well present
tected species: good dolphin and chamois. Of ed: in co-operation with biologists at the site are
the many species of fish, they are often protect placed underwater plates with descriptions of
ed: chamois, pagar, kavala, tuna and koraf and species that live there.
strictly protected: sea horse - dugokljunica and
drozd. Most of the coastal belt is covered with Apart from the aforementioned locali
preserved meadows of sea flower posidonia. ties presented in the diving guide, local div
ing clubs have: Wreck Gladijator (Italian steam