Page 30 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(1) (2023)
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ski una montagna di N2 (»gora od N2«) in ilustrirajo,studia universitatis her editati, letnik 11 (2023), številk a 1 / volume 11 (2023), number 1 30Benigni, V. 2023. «Binominal Constructions
kako binominalne strukture uporabljamo z dvema na- with Metaphorical Quantifiers in Russian:
menoma. Prvi namen je metaforično kodiranje razpo-hereditati ‘vsplesk èmocij i volna pozitiva.» Studi
reditev homogenih konkretnih in abstraktnih entitet, Slavistici 19 (2): 169-192.
drugi pa je izražanje njihove hiperbolične in nedoločene
količine. Čeprav je metafora gora prisotna v vseh treh Benigni, V., e A. Lacroce. 2021. «Classificatori
jezikih, raziskava kaže, da je ta metafora veliko izrazitej- di arrangement in arabo, inglese, italiano
ša in prisotnejša v italijanščini ter da je klasifikator mon- e russo: un’analisi multilingue in chiave
tagna na višji stopnji gramatikalizacije v primerjavi s svo- contrastiva.» Presentato a Linguistics
jimi leksikalnimi in funkcijskimi ekvivalenti v poljščini Colloquia 2020-2021, 16 febbraio 2021,
ter ruščini, to sta góra (pol.) in gora (rus.). Perugia.

Summary Benigni, V. In stampa. «È stato un mezzo
disastro… Fenomeni di convergenza tra
The aim of the present study is twofold. Firstly, it at- vaghezza e intensificazione: un approccio
tempts to explore from a cognitive-functional and us- contrastivo tra italiano e russo.» Italica
age-based perspective the Italian binominal [[N1] of N2] Wratislaviensia.
with the metaphorical classifier montagna, ‘mountain’,
and to describe semantic and structural properties of Benigni, V., e A. Latos. In stampa.
such a construction. Secondly, it aims to cross-linguis- «Metaphorical Binominal Constructions
tically compare the mountain metaphor through in the Domain of Water: A River of
the analysis of binominal equivalents in a parallel Ital- Words Evidence from Italian, Polish and
ian-Polish-Russian corpus. Data for the study were col- Russian.» In Constructional and Cognitive
lected from two distinct corpora, i.e. the monolingual Explorations of Contrastive Linguistics, a
corpus itTenTen20 used for a collocational analysis of cura di A. Baicchi e C. Broccias. Berlino:
the Italian binominal and the parallel corpus InterCorp Springer.
for a contrastive analysis. The findings of the study help
to identify and describe a hybrid, qualitative-quantita- Brems, L. 2003. «Measure Noun
tive, nature of metaphorical classifiers based on natu- Constructions: An Instance
ral phenomena such as the Italian una montagna di N2, of Semantically-Driven
‘a mountain of N2’, and to illustrate how the binominal Grammaticalization.» International
expressions are used both to metaphorically encode the Journal of Corpus Linguistics 8 (2): 283-312.
arrangement of homogeneous concrete and abstract
entities and/or their hyperbolic and indefinite quanti- Croft, W. 1994. «Semantic universals in
ty. Although the mountain metaphor is present in classifier systems.» Word 45 (2): 145-171.
all three languages, the study suggests that such a figu-
rative mapping is more salient and spread in Italian and Croft, W. 2001. Radical Construction
that the classifier montagna is more grammaticalized Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological
with respect to its lexical and functional equivalents in Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University
Polish and Russian, i.e. góra and gora, respectively. Press.

Bibliografia Croft, W., e A. D. Cruse. 2004. Cognitive
Aikhenvald, A. Y. 2000. Classifiers: A Typology Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge
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285-311. Cambridge University Press.

Giacalone Ramat, A. 2015. «Un sacco di...
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In Lingue e Contesti: studi in onore di
Alberto M. Mioni, a cura di M. Grazia
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