Page 19 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(2) (2016)
P. 19
ia universitatispravo kolektivno avtobiografijo. Drugi roman trilogije lutionary lines in L’albero dei sogni (1969), highlights the
La ragazza di Petrovia (1963) je v bistvu nadaljevanje Ma- condition of discomfort, dismay and loss of refugees de-
dalla tr ilogia istr iana: appunti sul romanzo la r agazza di petrovia di fulvio tomizza 19 terade, a je obenem tudi ključni roman za nadaljnjo lite- prived of vitalistic existential desire and dragged across
rarno ustvarjanje istrskega avtorja. Dogajanje, opisano v the border, via from a land that has belonged to them
romanu, doseže namreč odločilni trenutek v zgodovi- for centuries. From a known and interpretable reality
ni Istre, ko postane eksodus vsiljena in nepovratna izbira like the one described in Materada, in La ragazza di Pet-
za Istrane. Prišlo je tako do številnih »prisiljenih odho- rovia we go to the description of the condition of aliena-
dov«. Velika večina prebivalcev Istre se je tako odloči- tion experienced by the Istrians after the exodus, to the
la za prečkanje meje in »čarobni krog«, ki je varoval in representation of an unknown and unpredictable re-
ščitil kmete pri njihovem delu, se je dokončno pretrgal. ality that the simple people of the countryside can not
Psihološko raziskovanje likov, ki ga bo avtor še poglo- understand. The perception of change is common to
bil v novem evolucijskem nadaljevanju v L'albero dei sog- everyone, but each responds with feelings of change: all
ni (1969), izpostavlja nelagodje, razočaranje in izgubo the characters are now “I-monads”. When you cross the
beguncev, ki so bili oropani življenjske sile in so bili pok- border, it is as if the “magic circle” is irretrievably broken
licani čez mejo, daleč stran od zemlje, ki jim je stoletja off, and as a consequence the character of the individu-
pripadala. Od poznane in doumljive realnosti opisane v al also changes: one becomes different and as strangers
Materadi, preide avtor v La ragazza di Petrovia v opis ali- one to another.
enacije, ki so jo doživeli Istrani po eksodusu vse do re-
prezentacije nepoznane in nenapovedane realnosti, ki je Bibliografia
preprosti ljudje s kmetov niso mogli doumeti. Percepci-
ja spremembe je sicer jasna vsakomur, a vsak nanjo od- Aliberti, Carmelo. Fulvio Tomizza e la frontiera
govarja različno: vsi opisani liki so »jaz-eno«. Ko presto- dell’anima. Foggia: Bastogi, 2001.
pijo mejo, se zanje »čarobni krog« kakor da razblini, in
kot posledica, se tudi posamezni liki spreminjajo: vsak De Michelis, Cesare. “Nota”. In La ragazza di
postane drugačen in kakor tujec eden drugemu. Petrovia, 205. Venezia: Marsilio, 1986.

Summary De Michelis, Cesare. “Introduzione”. In Le
mie estati letterarie. Lungo le tracce della
The essay examines the novel La ragazza di Petrovia writ- memoria, Fulvio Tomizza, 8-14. Venezia:
ten by Fulvio Tomizza (1935-1999), which with Materada Marsilio, 2009.
(1960) and Il bosco di acacie (1967) constitutes the «Istrian
trilogy», in which the writer dissects the reality of the Is- Leoncini, Paolo. “L’identità della terra. Lettura
trian exodus without polemical points, but through an di Materada di Fulvio Tomizza”. In L’esodo
objective historical-documentary re-enactment, which giuliano-dalmata nella letteratura, a cura
becomes a real collective autobiography. La ragazza di di Giorgio Baroni e Cristina Benussi, 193-
Petrovia (1963), the second novel of the trilogy, is the ide- 198. Roma-Pisa: Fabrizio Serra Editore,
al continuation of Materada, but it is also a decisive book 2014.
for the future narrative production of the Istrian author.
The events narrated in the novel are at a crucial moment Mura, Guido. “Tomizza e la letteratura di
in the history of Istria, when the exodus is a choice im- frontiera”. In L’esodo giuliano-dalmata
posed on the Istrians and irreversibly accomplished. The nella letteratura, a cura di Giorgio Baroni
“distorting departure” has largely occurred. The bor- e Cristina Benussi, 187-188. Roma-Pisa:
der has been crossed by most of the inhabitants of the Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2014.
peninsula and the “magic circle”, which surrounded and
protected the peasant in its environment, has definitely Tomizza, Fulvio. La ragazza di Petrovia.
broken off. The psychological excavation of the charac- Venezia: Marsilio, 1986.
ters, which the writer will expand according to new evo-
Tomizza, Fulvio. Destino di frontiera. Genova:
Marietti Editore, 1992.

Tomizza, Fulvio. “Un popolo troncato”. In Alle
spalle di Trieste, 125-132. Milano: Bompiani,
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