Page 46 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(2) (2016)
P. 46
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 4 (2016), številk a 2 46ti napisal pastoralno dramo La ninfa del Formione. Čla-rolamo Gravisi, his son Dionisio, and Giuseppe Bonz-
nek omenja še druge pisce, kot so bili Girolamo Gravisi, io, who continued the tradition of pastoral drama in the
hereditatinjegov sin Dionisio, in Giuseppe Bonzio, ki je nadaljevaleighteenth century in Istria by writing pastoral eclogues
tradicijo pastoralne drame v osemnajstem stoletju v Istri or poetic compositions that relate to idyll.
s pastoralnimi eklogami ali pesniškimi kompozicijami, Keywords: pastoral drama, pastoral fable, idyllic poetry,
povezanimi z idilami. eclogue, idyll.
Ključne besede: pastoralna igra, idilična poezija, ekloga,
idila Bibliografia
Asor Rosa, Alberto. Sintesi di storia della
letteratura italiana. Firenze: La Nuova
From the idea of expanding an eclogue in dialogues, Italia, 1978.
very dear to the poets of the second half of the fifteenth Asor Rosa, Alberto. Storia della letteratura
century, into a dramatic eclogue, with characters in the italiana. Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1985.
roles of shepherds, a new literary genre was born which Borisi Gavardo, Santa. “Prefazione.” In
soon became popular among the educated circles of the Poesie liriche dei signori Giuseppe Bonzio
sixteenth century: pastoral drama. Although originat- e marchese Dionisio Gravisi nobili
ing from the texts of Classical authors such as Theocri- giustinopolitani, Giuseppe Bonzio e
tus and Virgil, this form does not conform to the Ar- Dionisio Gravisi, 2-5. Venezia, 1771.
istotelian norm, and occupies an intermediate space Bonzio, Giuseppe, e Dionisio Gravisi. Poesie
between tragedy and comedy, often interweaving the liriche dei signori Giuseppe Bonzio
seriousness of tragedy with the humour of comedy, and e marchese Dionisio Gravisi nobili
giving unhappy events a happy ending. In Italy, pasto- giustinopolitani. Venezia, 1771.
ral drama (or fable) made its first appearance in Ferrar- Brati, Giovan Battista. La ninfa del Formione.
ra with Sacrificio (1554) by Agostino Beccari; however, it Venezia, 1619.
rose to the level of genuine poetry only with the Aminta Bruscagli, Riccardo, Gino Tellini, Vittorio
by Tasso, and with the Pastor Fido by Battista Guarini. In Corsano, Lucia Denarosi, e Silvia Fiaschi.
fact, it is the example of these two authors and their po- Itinerari dell‘ invenzione 2. Umanesimo e
etic compositions that also inspired the authors of pas- Rinascimento. Autori, temi, crocevia della
toral drama in Istria. In Istria, pastoral drama is mostly letteratura italiana ed europea. Firenze:
related to the Academies, which were a distinctive fea- Sansoni per la scuola, 2002.
ture of the Renaissance period. These centres, which De’Belli, Ottonello. Le selve incoronate.
were connected more to the humanistic movement, Tragicomedia Boschereccia del signor D.
but have a specific autonomy, combine a frivolous and Ottonello de Belli nobile giustinopolitano.
worldly component with a cultural one, appearing as a Venezia, 1673.
characteristic expression of aristocratic society and, of Guarini, Battista. Compendio della poesia
an elite and aristocratic culture. It is precisely in these tragicomica. Venezia: Giovanni Battista
places, therefore, that Istrian intellectuals enjoyed dis- Ciotti, 1601.
cussing literature and presenting their works. Maier, Bruno. Letteratura italiana dell’Istria
Among the authors presented in the article are: the Ca- dalle origini al Novecento. Trieste: Edizioni
podistrian, Pietro Pola, who was the first author of a pas- Italo Svevo, 1996.
toral eclogue in the sixteenth century; in 1585 Girola- Rolli, Paolo. De’ poetici componimenti del Signor
mo Vida, wrote Filliria, a pastoral fable or boschereccia; Paolo Rolli: divisi in tre libri. Venezia:
in 1673 the pastoral drama Le selve incoronate by the Cap- Bartolommeo Occhi, 1771.
odistrian Ottonello de’Belli was published; in 1617 Gio- Sansone, Mario. Disegno storico della letteratura
van Battista Brati wrote the pastoral drama La ninfa del italiana. Milano: Principato, 1963.
Formione. The article also cites some authors, such as Gi-
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