Page 60 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 60
ding the focus of the exhibition or the realstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 60– regarding the educational goals, choose the
use of this material;
hereditati content – the worksheets should underline
– an improperly elaborated or inappropriately the topic of the exhibition, make it easier to
understand, enliven and deepen, they shou-
used worksheet can even be counterprodu- ld draw attention to unique details or inter-
ctive for the museum pedagogical process; disciplinary relations;

– if the worksheets are indeed supposed to be – an important criterion in fulfilling the con-

functional and purposeful, it is necessary to tent of worksheets is the selection of collecti-
observe certain didactic rules and principles on items for working with the worksheets /
of the learning process, as well as further eli- it is inevitable to consider thoroughly what
gibility of these materials with regard to go- to emphasize, what to omit, selection of
als and topic of a temporary or permanent ex- objects should be distinctive and strict/;
hibition, or the intended way of working with
the worksheets. – the structure of worksheets can in principle

How to proceed? observe the same methodical procedure as in
preparation and creation of accompanying
– evaluate the temporary or permanent exhibi- museum programmes /e.g. in the concept of
a syllabus to a lecture in the RWCT method
tion as regards the content and presentation (reading and Writing to Critical Thinking),
/what the exhibition communicates, how, the worksheets in a reduced form can thus
and in which space/; follow up the three-stage learning cycle E –
R – R (evocation–realization of meaning–
– think about your own pedagogical intents reflection), i.e. the initial task is making fa-
miliar with the topic, searches for previous
concerning the given topic and space /what knowledge of the topic; the following tasks
I want to teach, show, communicate/; and activities, just as the information recor-
ded, already address the “core” of the pro-
– choose the target group of visitors (workshe- blem and the last component should sub-
sequently be summarising and reflective/;
ets should always be strictly adequate to the
target group of visitors, as regards the age, – change evenly and thoughtfully various types
abilities, ways of perception and assumed
previous knowledge/; of tasks and activities, so that the visitors
employ as many different skills and working
– or, evaluate the course of the educational methods as possible.

programme planned, if the worksheets are The procedures chosen should motivate the visi-
intended to be a part of. tors to examine the objects and think about the
contexts, not only to merely record the informa-
! By considering these criteria you can also verify tion, e.g. the requirement for a detailed descrip-
the effectiveness of using the worksheets for inter- tion of an item will ensure its thorough examina-
pretation of the given temporary or permanent ex- tion, just as the requirement to make a drawing;
hibition /does the worksheet to this exhibition, this putting into context, following up the develop-
topic and for this target group make sense?/. ment and recording own ideas leads to a deeper
consciousness of the importance of an object and
– set out the educational goals of worksheets / to possible self-reflection or change of attitudes.

particular knowledge or skill at the cogniti-
ve, affective and psychomotor level/;

– schedule the time, which the visitors should

spend working with the worksheets;

– following up the educational goals, choose

the suitable form/design of the worksheets;
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