Page 61 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 61
ia universitatisWell-elaborated worksheets vprašanj in aktivnosti pritegnejo obiskovalce. Ponujajo
ar e wor ksheets death? wor ds in museum education 61 tudi prostor za zapisovanje lastnih opazovanj in rezul-
– facilitate the orientation in an exhibition; tatov raziskav ter ustvarjajo prostor za izražanje lastnih
– draw attention to significant objects and re- stališč in mnenj o dani temi. In nenazadnje, s pomočjo
refleksivnih procesov omogočajo fiksiranje pridobljene-
lationships; ga znanja, izkušenj ali spretnosti. Delovni listi pa mora-
jo biti vedno strogo prilagojeni ciljni skupini obiskoval-
– are able to captivate the visitors by the exhi- cev, glede na starost, sposobnosti, načine zaznavanja in
bition topic and events with the help of pro-
perly chosen questions and activities; Summary

– offer place for taking notes of own observa- Worksheets have been regarded as one of the materi-
als which characterize modern museums and their re-
tions and research results; sponsiveness towards educational needs of visitors. This
didactic tool gradually becomes a widely used museum
– generate space for expression of own attitu- service, a material demonstrating both the responsive-
ness towards visitors, and the competence of museum
des and opinions on the given topic; workers who are engaged in working with audience. It
is not easy to elaborate educationally functional work-
– enable to fixate the acquired knowledge, sheets of relevant quality. Usually also another added
values are expected, such as entertainment, represent-
experiences or skills. ative character, low production and elaboration costs
for these worksheets which often must be made quick-
Povzetek ly and in provisional conditions. Its aim is to give a help-
ing hand to pedagogues, lecturers and other workers in
Delovni listi so obravnavani kot materiali, ki so značilni museum institutions who are engaged in the work with
za sodobne muzeje in njihovo odzivnost na izobraževal- audience.
ne potrebe obiskovalcev. To didaktično orodje posto- The museum worksheets differ from the worksheets
poma prehaja v široko uporabo znotraj muzejskih služb and workbooks used in schools mainly in their inter-
in je gradivo, ki kaže odzivnost do obiskovalcev in kom- connection with a temporary or permanent exhibition,
petence muzejskih delavcev. Ni lahko izdelati izobraže- a close relationship to the exhibits and the focus laid pri-
valno funkcionalnih delovnih listov ustrezne kakovosti. marily on boosting the perception and examination of
Običajno se pričakujejo tudi druge dodane vrednosti, these exhibits. Herewith it is a tool rather than the ac-
kot so zabava, reprezentativni značaj, nizki stroški izde- tual purpose of museum education. The purpose and
lave delovnih listov, ki jih je pogosto treba pripraviti hit- main function of the museum worksheets is to make
ro in v improviziranih pogojih. Njihov namen je poma- the visitors observe the exhibits more thoroughly. The
gati pedagogom, predavateljem in drugim delavcem v ideal functional form of worksheets is always derived
muzejskih ustanovah, ki se ukvarjajo z delom z obisko- from particular permanent or temporary exhibition,
valci. pedagogical plans of individual museum pedagogues
Muzejski delovni listi se razlikujejo od šolskih delovnih and their educational goals.
listov in delovnih zvezkov, predvsem v povezavi z zača- Well-elaborated worksheets bring many advantages to
sno ali stalno razstavo, tesnim odnosom do eksponatov the museum educational process because they facilitate
in osredotočenostjo predvsem na spodbujanje dojema- the orientation of visitors in the exhibition, draw atten-
nja in pregleda teh eksponatov. Delovni listi so orodje ne tion to significant objects and relationships, and with
pa cilj muzejskega izobraževanja. Namen in glavni na- the help of properly chosen questions and activities they
men muzejskih listov je, da obiskovalci temeljiteje opa- are able to captivate the visitors by the exhibition topic
zujejo eksponate. Idealna funkcionalna oblika delovnih
listov je vedno izpeljana iz posebnih stalnih ali začasnih
razstav, pedagoških načrtov posameznih muzejskih pe-
dagogov in njihovih vzgojnih ciljev.
Dobro izdelani delovni listi prinašajo številne prednos-
ti muzejskemu vzgojnemu procesu, saj olajšajo orienta-
cijo obiskovalcev na razstavi, opozarjajo na pomembne
predmete in odnose ter s pomočjo pravilno izbranih
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