Page 111 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 111
Sloboda, J. A., in Juslin, P. N. (2001). Psychological perspectives on music
and emotion. V N. Patrik, N. Juslin in A. J. Sloboda (ur.), Music and
emotion: Theory and research (str. 755–788). Oxford University Press.
Šešok, S. (2006). Spomin: kaj to je in kako deluje? Zdravniški vestnik, 75(2),
UDC 37.091.2:78
With the research, we wanted to find out whether students listen to music in the back-
ground while learning mathematics and what are the characteristics of this music. The Ela Urek ◆ Učinki vključevanja glasbe pri učenju matematike
results showed that most students often listen to music in the background while learn-
ing mathematics. It turned out that most students, listen to the music they like in gen-
eral while learning mathematics or solving math problems. This type of music was de-
scribed by the participants as quiet, fast, familiar, relaxing, pleasant, happy, instrumental,
and dynamic.
Even though the present research is one of the few in Slovenia that examines the connec-
tion between music and mathematics, it is also necessary to focus on its shortcomings.
The research sample is relatively small. It would be necessary to reach a larger number of
high school students, as this way we would obtain more accurate results. Problems have
also arisen in the literature, especially in the field of cognition, as studies examining lis-
tening to music while learning mathematics are not that common. The research should
also focus on the cognitive processes when an individual listens to music in the back-
ground while learning mathematics. For a deeper understanding of this topic, it would
be necessary to prepare an experiment that includes the measurement of the physiolog-
ical signs of an individual.
In the future, we should focus on the very impact of listening to music in the background
on learning mathematics and on giving more precise recommendations for students
who want to use music while learning mathematics, and for educators who strive for an
interdisciplinary approach to teaching within the classroom.