Page 106 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 106
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 104 Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders and consequently absenteeism are for
employes in nursing and care the result from the implementation of lifting and
moving patients or residents. The aim was to investigate what represents the
employees work the largest physical demand and whose ergonomic techniques
and devices are used for safe work. Method: Data were obtained voluntarily
and anonymously by using a questionnaire. Data were collected from May 2012
to April 2016 and processed by using SPSS. Results: The survey was filled in by
218 employees from 32 social care institutions, providing nursing and care in in-
stitutions and at home. 60% of the respondents take care for four to six resi-
dents in the home, 18% of employees in the institution take care for more than
12 people in one shift. For 55% respondents is the maximum physical demand
shifting from bed to a wheelchair and for 43% the movement of the bed up. 43%
use a simple device - a mat to make work easier, 40% do not use any device.
Only 37% respondents raise bed to a working height before they start working.
56% of respondents only partially acquired knowledge regarding safe methods
and techniques for handling and lifting patients during their training. Discussion
and conclusions: Respondents showed due to physically demanding tasks, low
staffing standards, the ignorance of ergonomic techniques of non-lifting devic-
es great interest for the workshop of ergonomics. Only in this way can increase
the safety and satisfaction in their work and service users.
Key words: musculoskeletal disorders, physical demands the use of ergonomic
techniques and devices, workshops for safe work
Vadba na recept® pri bolnikih z arterijsko hipertenzijo:
pilotni projekt
Exercise prescription for health® in patients with arterial
hypertension: a pilot project
Janja Lavbič1, Herbert Löllgen2, Andre Debruyne2, Joe Cumminskey2, Matej
Kokalj Kokot3,4, Liljana Ločniškar4, Aljaž Valič3,4, Ana Pajk3, Severina Štruc3, Mitija
Samardžija Pavletič3, Petra Zupet1,2,3
1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenija
2 European Federation of Sports Medicine Association (EFSMA)
3 IMS Institute for Medicine and Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenija
4 Health Center zavod Revita, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Izhodišča: Cilj raziskave je bil dokazati pozitiven vpliv redne vadbe na vred-
nosti krvnega tlaka v mirovanju, na subjektivno počutje in na nekatere kazal-
nike motoričnih sposobnosti in zdravja pri bolnikih z arterijsko hipertenzijo
(AH). Metode: V pilotni del raziskave smo zajeli deset bolnikov z AH. Vadba je
potekala v skladu s strokovnimi priporočili Evropskega združenja za medicino
športa (EFSMA) dvakrat tedensko po eno uro in je vključevala vadbo moči, gi-
bljivosti in senzomotorično vadbo. Učinek vadbe smo vrednotili s primerjavo
rezultatov uvodnih meritev (TMO) in meritev po šestih tednih (TM6T). Rezul-
tati: Ugotovili smo pozitiven učinek vadbe na vrednosti diastolnega krvnega tla-
ka (TMO = 86mmHg, TM6T = 79mmHg; p = 0,006), na oceno subjektivnega
počutja (TMO = 5,7; TM6T = 7,3; p = 0,002) in na nekatere motorične teste:
employes in nursing and care the result from the implementation of lifting and
moving patients or residents. The aim was to investigate what represents the
employees work the largest physical demand and whose ergonomic techniques
and devices are used for safe work. Method: Data were obtained voluntarily
and anonymously by using a questionnaire. Data were collected from May 2012
to April 2016 and processed by using SPSS. Results: The survey was filled in by
218 employees from 32 social care institutions, providing nursing and care in in-
stitutions and at home. 60% of the respondents take care for four to six resi-
dents in the home, 18% of employees in the institution take care for more than
12 people in one shift. For 55% respondents is the maximum physical demand
shifting from bed to a wheelchair and for 43% the movement of the bed up. 43%
use a simple device - a mat to make work easier, 40% do not use any device.
Only 37% respondents raise bed to a working height before they start working.
56% of respondents only partially acquired knowledge regarding safe methods
and techniques for handling and lifting patients during their training. Discussion
and conclusions: Respondents showed due to physically demanding tasks, low
staffing standards, the ignorance of ergonomic techniques of non-lifting devic-
es great interest for the workshop of ergonomics. Only in this way can increase
the safety and satisfaction in their work and service users.
Key words: musculoskeletal disorders, physical demands the use of ergonomic
techniques and devices, workshops for safe work
Vadba na recept® pri bolnikih z arterijsko hipertenzijo:
pilotni projekt
Exercise prescription for health® in patients with arterial
hypertension: a pilot project
Janja Lavbič1, Herbert Löllgen2, Andre Debruyne2, Joe Cumminskey2, Matej
Kokalj Kokot3,4, Liljana Ločniškar4, Aljaž Valič3,4, Ana Pajk3, Severina Štruc3, Mitija
Samardžija Pavletič3, Petra Zupet1,2,3
1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenija
2 European Federation of Sports Medicine Association (EFSMA)
3 IMS Institute for Medicine and Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenija
4 Health Center zavod Revita, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Izhodišča: Cilj raziskave je bil dokazati pozitiven vpliv redne vadbe na vred-
nosti krvnega tlaka v mirovanju, na subjektivno počutje in na nekatere kazal-
nike motoričnih sposobnosti in zdravja pri bolnikih z arterijsko hipertenzijo
(AH). Metode: V pilotni del raziskave smo zajeli deset bolnikov z AH. Vadba je
potekala v skladu s strokovnimi priporočili Evropskega združenja za medicino
športa (EFSMA) dvakrat tedensko po eno uro in je vključevala vadbo moči, gi-
bljivosti in senzomotorično vadbo. Učinek vadbe smo vrednotili s primerjavo
rezultatov uvodnih meritev (TMO) in meritev po šestih tednih (TM6T). Rezul-
tati: Ugotovili smo pozitiven učinek vadbe na vrednosti diastolnega krvnega tla-
ka (TMO = 86mmHg, TM6T = 79mmHg; p = 0,006), na oceno subjektivnega
počutja (TMO = 5,7; TM6T = 7,3; p = 0,002) in na nekatere motorične teste: