Page 107 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 107
ensov test (TMO = 71,14; TM6T = 145,71; p = 0,013), test vstajanja s stola 5x 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 105
(TMO = 9,54; TM6T = 8,17; p = 0,009), test vstajanja s stola 15x (TMO = 28,97;
TM6T = 25,03; p = 0,019) in test »vstani in pojdi 3 m« (TMO = 5,91; TM6T =
5,19; p = 0,015). Razlik v srčni frekvenci, sistolnem krvnem tlaku v mirovanju,
telesni sestavi in bazalni presnovi po šestih tednih vadbe nismo uspeli dokaza-
ti. Razprava: Sprememba življenjskega sloga z vključevanjem telesne aktivnos-
ti v skladu z EFSMA priporočili je pomembno orodje za preprečevanje in zdra-
vljenje AH.
Ključne besede: krvni tlak, arterijska hipertenzija, redna vadba, vadba na
recept, učinek vadbe
Background: The aim of the research was to prove the role of regular physical
activity on blood pressure, subjective well-being and some indicators of motor
skills and health in patients with arterial hypertension (AH). Methods: The re-
search was conducted of ten patients with AH. Exercise was performed in ac-
cordance with recommendations of the European Federation of Sports Med-
icine Associations (EFMSA) twice a week for one hour and included strength,
flexibility and sensomotoric exercises. The effect of physical activity was eval-
uated by a comparison of results between initial (TMO) and control measur-
ments (TM6T) after six weeks.
Results: We have found positive effects of regular physical activity on diastol-
ic blood pressure (TMO = 86 mmHg, TM6T = 79 mmHg; p = 0.006), subjec-
tive well-being estimate (TMO = 5.7; TM6T = 7.3; p = 0.002) and some motoric
tests: The Sorensen test (TMO = 71.14; TM6T = 145.71; p = 0.013), the 5x chair
rise test (TMO = 9.54; TM6T = 8.17; p = 0.009), the 15x chair rise test (TMO
= 28.97; TM6T = 25.03; p = 0.019) and the »get up and walk 3 m« test (TMO =
5.91; TM6T = 5.19; p = 0.015). Differences in heart rate, resting systolic blood
pressure, body composition, water percentage and basal metabolic rate were
not found. Discussion: One of the key guidelines for preventing and treating AH
is changing one’s lifestyle by including regular physical activity in accordance
with guidelines (EFSMA).
Key words: blood pressure, arterial hypertension, regular activity, prescription
for exercise, exercise effect

Pojem gibalne aktivnosti, moči in zmogljivosti
– predpogoj za opravljanje poklica medicinske sestre
The concept of physical activity, strength and fitness
- a precondition for performing professional duties as a nurse

Robert Lovrić1,2, Nada Prlić2, Jasenka Vujanić2
1 Vocational School for Careers in Medicine Osijek;
2 University of Osijek, Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Department of Nursing, Croatia
Address: 10E Cara Hadrijana street, Osijek,,

Izhodišča: Glavne naloge medicinskih sester zajemajo spodbujanje zdravja,
preprečevanje bolezni in skrb za obolele. Z neposrednim vplivanjem na zdravst-
vene navade ljudi spadajo medicinske sestre v kategorijo najpomembnejših
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