Page 109 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 109
ci (v tovarni, na kmetiji, turistični vodiči, v založniški hiši, na fakulteti) je bila 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 107
izvedena raziskava o toplotnem udobju in vplivih vročinskega stresa. Rezultati:
Avgusta 2016 se je v tovarni temperatura zraka dvignila do 33 °C, vrednosti ka-
zalnika WBGT so bile večinoma med 20 in 25 °C. Poleti je temperatura na de-
lovnem mestu ustrezna za manj kot 5 % delavcev v tovarni in kmetijstvu ter za
20 % delavcev v pisarnah. Vročinski stres negativno vpliva na zbranost, storil-
nost in počutje. Zelo pogosti (večinoma več kot 55 %) so žeja, povečano poten-
je, utrujenost, glavobol in izčrpanost, nekateri so že doživeli hujše zdravstvene
težave (slabost, izpuščaji, mišični in vročinski krči, omedlevica, vročinski udar).
Diskusija in zaključki: Vročinski stres že prestavlja težave za delavce, nasledn-
ji korak pri projektu Heat-Shield je zato razvoj in preizkus rešitev za izboljšan-
je pogojev.
Ključne besede: vročinski stres, vročinski val, delavci, storilnost, zdravje,

Raziskava je bila delno finančno podprta s strani okvirnega programa EU za razvoj in
inovacije Obzorje 2020 s pogodbo št. 668786. Zahvaljujemo se prof. Igorju B. Mekja-
viću, Larsu Nybo, Andreasu Flourisu in Tordu Kjellstromu za sodelovanje.
Introduction: Frequency, duration, and intensity of heat waves have increased in
Slovenia (and Europe), so the thermal resilience of workers is being addressed
in the European Heat-Shield project (Horizon 2020). Methods: Wet bulb globe
temperature (WBGT) index has been chosen to assess the thermal load of
workers. Air temperature and relative humidity inside the factory are being
measured to calculate WBGT, meteorological data were gained from the Celje
station. A survey about heat stress impacts was conducted among workers (in
the factory, farmers, tourist guides, in publishing house, at faculty). Results: In
the factory reached air temperatures in August 2016 to 33°C, WBGT values
were mainly between 20 and 25°C. Workplace temperature is during summer
suitable for less than 5% workers in the factory and agriculture, and for 20% of-
fice workers. Heat stress has a negative impact on productivity, concentration,
and well-being. Thirst, excessive sweating, tiredness, headache, and exhaustion
are common (mainly more than 55%), some have already experienced worse
health problems (nausea, prickly heat, muscle and heat cramps, fainting, heat
stroke). Discussion and Conclusions: As heat stress is already causing problems,
various solutions for its mitigation will be developed and tested in the next step
of the Heat-Shield project.
Key words: heat stress, heat wave, workers, productivity, health, well-being

The work was supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Inno-
vation Action (Project number 668786: Heat Shield). We are indebted to Profs. Ig-
or B. Mekjavić, Lars Nybo, Andreas Flouris and Tord Kjellstrom for their assistance.
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