Page 43 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 43
nega dela, kjer je povprečje na lestvici od 1 do 5 nad 4. Na to trditev je od 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 41
desetih zdravnikov s 5 odgovorilo osem zdravnikov. Pri zaposlenih ni posebej
izraženega dejavnika, ki bi vplival na izgorelost zaposlenih v urgentnem centru,
najbolj izstopata trditvi, da si na delovnem mestu preveč prizadevajo (PV=3, 2)
in občutek, da so na delovnem mestu izgoreli (PV=2,7). Zaposleni, ki navaja-
jo višjo stopnjo stresa doma in izgorevanja v službi se premalo trudijo za pre-
prečevanje izgorevanja. Razprava: Stres je pri zaposlenih v urgentnem centru iz-
brane regijske bolnišnice zmerno prisoten. Zaposleni so v stresu zaradi preveč
administrativnega dela in nočne službe, ki moti njihov bioritem. Pri svojem delu
niso izgoreli. Zaposleni, ki čutijo izgorelost doma in v službi, premalo skrbijo za
preprečevanje slednjega. Večina zaposlenih si želi več pogovorov s sodelavci in
izražajo željo po metodah (predvsem team building), s pomočjo katerih bi lah-
ko zmanjševali nastali stres, zato vodstvu izbrane regijske bolnišnice predlaga-
mo ponovitev raziskave v celotni organizaciji in več poudarka na preprečevan-
ju stresa v službi.
Ključne besede: obremenjenost, stres, izgorevanje, zdravstveni delavci.
Intoduction: Today’s stress significantly differs from stress that occurred many
years ago, it became a constant in everyday life. Healthcare workers are an oc-
cupational group that is frequently exposed to stressful situations due to their
workload. With this research we tried to establish whether the employees at
the chosen emergency center are under stress while they are working. We al-
so wanted to determine the presence of burnout among the employees of the
emergency center. Methods: We applied a quantitative work method. We used
a non-standardized questionnaire as an instrument for data collection, which
we designed after reviewing the literature. We used a non-random, conve-
nience sample. The sample included all nursing personnel (33) working at the
emergency center. We got 23 answered questionnaires back, which is 70 per
cent of the sample. Ten physicians, who were employed at the emergency cen-
ter at the time, were also involved in the research. The obtained data was an-
alyzed using the statistical program IBM SPSS 23.0. The Cronbach alpha coeffi-
cient exceeded the value of 0.7 for each individual set. Results: The employees
feel stressed mainly because of night work, which disrupts their biorhythm and
due to too much paperwork, where average on a scale from 1 to 5 is above 4.
Eight out of ten physicians responded with a 5 to this argument. There is no
particularly expressed factor which would cause the burnout of employees at
the emergency center, most obvious arguments are that they are too invest-
ed in their work (AV=3.2) and feeling burned-out in the workplace (AV=2.7).
Employees who are indicating a higher level of stress at home and burnout at
work are not trying enough to prevent the burnout. Discussion: Stress is mod-
erately present among the staff at the emergency center of the chosen region-
al hospital. Employees are under stress because of too much paperwork and
working nights, which disrupts their biorhythm. They do not feel burned-out
at the workplace. Employees who feel burned-out at home and at work, are
not trying enough to prevent it. Most of the employees wish to talk more with
coworkers and express a desire for methods (especially team building) which
could help reduce stress, that is why we suggest the management of the region-
desetih zdravnikov s 5 odgovorilo osem zdravnikov. Pri zaposlenih ni posebej
izraženega dejavnika, ki bi vplival na izgorelost zaposlenih v urgentnem centru,
najbolj izstopata trditvi, da si na delovnem mestu preveč prizadevajo (PV=3, 2)
in občutek, da so na delovnem mestu izgoreli (PV=2,7). Zaposleni, ki navaja-
jo višjo stopnjo stresa doma in izgorevanja v službi se premalo trudijo za pre-
prečevanje izgorevanja. Razprava: Stres je pri zaposlenih v urgentnem centru iz-
brane regijske bolnišnice zmerno prisoten. Zaposleni so v stresu zaradi preveč
administrativnega dela in nočne službe, ki moti njihov bioritem. Pri svojem delu
niso izgoreli. Zaposleni, ki čutijo izgorelost doma in v službi, premalo skrbijo za
preprečevanje slednjega. Večina zaposlenih si želi več pogovorov s sodelavci in
izražajo željo po metodah (predvsem team building), s pomočjo katerih bi lah-
ko zmanjševali nastali stres, zato vodstvu izbrane regijske bolnišnice predlaga-
mo ponovitev raziskave v celotni organizaciji in več poudarka na preprečevan-
ju stresa v službi.
Ključne besede: obremenjenost, stres, izgorevanje, zdravstveni delavci.
Intoduction: Today’s stress significantly differs from stress that occurred many
years ago, it became a constant in everyday life. Healthcare workers are an oc-
cupational group that is frequently exposed to stressful situations due to their
workload. With this research we tried to establish whether the employees at
the chosen emergency center are under stress while they are working. We al-
so wanted to determine the presence of burnout among the employees of the
emergency center. Methods: We applied a quantitative work method. We used
a non-standardized questionnaire as an instrument for data collection, which
we designed after reviewing the literature. We used a non-random, conve-
nience sample. The sample included all nursing personnel (33) working at the
emergency center. We got 23 answered questionnaires back, which is 70 per
cent of the sample. Ten physicians, who were employed at the emergency cen-
ter at the time, were also involved in the research. The obtained data was an-
alyzed using the statistical program IBM SPSS 23.0. The Cronbach alpha coeffi-
cient exceeded the value of 0.7 for each individual set. Results: The employees
feel stressed mainly because of night work, which disrupts their biorhythm and
due to too much paperwork, where average on a scale from 1 to 5 is above 4.
Eight out of ten physicians responded with a 5 to this argument. There is no
particularly expressed factor which would cause the burnout of employees at
the emergency center, most obvious arguments are that they are too invest-
ed in their work (AV=3.2) and feeling burned-out in the workplace (AV=2.7).
Employees who are indicating a higher level of stress at home and burnout at
work are not trying enough to prevent the burnout. Discussion: Stress is mod-
erately present among the staff at the emergency center of the chosen region-
al hospital. Employees are under stress because of too much paperwork and
working nights, which disrupts their biorhythm. They do not feel burned-out
at the workplace. Employees who feel burned-out at home and at work, are
not trying enough to prevent it. Most of the employees wish to talk more with
coworkers and express a desire for methods (especially team building) which
could help reduce stress, that is why we suggest the management of the region-