Page 86 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič (ur.). 2017. Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima: Teorija, praksa in raziskave v Sloveniji. Koper. Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 86
Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima
Embryonic Stage of Firmgrowth.« Industrial Marketing Management
36 (1): 651–61.
Isaksen, S. G., in G. Ekvall. 2010. »Managing for Innovation: The Two Fa-
ces of Tension in Creative Climates.« Creativity and Innovation Mana-
gement 19 (2): 73–88.
James L. R., C. C. Choi, C.-H. E. Ko, P. K. McNeil, M. K. Minton, M. A.
Wright in K. I. Kim. 2008. »Organizational and Psychological Clima-
te: A Review of Theory and Research.« European Journal of Work and
Organizational Psychology 17 (1): 5–32.
Janssen, O. 2000. »Job Demands, Perceptions of Effort-Reward Fairness
and Innovative Work Behaviour.« Journal of Occupational and Organi-
zational Psychology 73 (1): 287–302.
Janssen, O., E. Van de Vliert in M. West. 2004. »The Bright and Dark Sides
86 of Individual and Group Innovation: A Special Issue Introduction.« Jo-
urnal of Organizational Behavior 25 (1): 129–145.
Kanter, R. M. 1988. »When a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Structural, Col-
lective and Social Conditions for Innovation in Organizations.« V Re-
search in Organizational Behaviour, ur. B. M. Straw in L. L. Cummings,
123–67. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Kissi, J., A. R. J. Dainty, A. R. J. in A. Liu. 2012. »Examining Middle Ma-
nagers‘ Influence on Innovation in Construction Professional Services
Firms: A Tale of Three Innovations.« Construction Innovation: Infor-
mation, Process, Management 12 (1): 11–28.
Kuenzi, M., in M. Schminke. 2009. »Assembling Fragments into a Lense: A
Review, Critique, and Proposed Research Agenda for the Organizatio-
nal Work Climate Literature.« Journal of Management 35 (3): 634–717.
Kunze, F., S. A. Böhm in H. Bruch. 2011. »Age Diversity, Age Discrimina-
tion Climate and Performance Consequences: A Cross Organizational
Study.« Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (2): 264–90.
Lumpkin, G. T., in G. G. Dess. 1996. »Clarifying the Entrepreneurial Ori-
entation Construct and Linking it to Performance.« Academy of Mana-
gement Review 21 (1): 135–72.
Malek, M. D., A. Fahrudin in I. S. M. Kamil. 2009. Occupational Stress and
Psychological Well Being in Emergency Services. Asian Social Work and
Policy 3 (1): 143–154.
Mathisen, G. E., O. Martinsen in S. Einarsen. 2008. »The Relationship
between Creative Personality Composition, Innovative Team Climate,
and Team Innovativeness: An Input-Process-Output Perspective.« Jou-
rnal of Creative Behavior 42 (1): 13–31.
Embryonic Stage of Firmgrowth.« Industrial Marketing Management
36 (1): 651–61.
Isaksen, S. G., in G. Ekvall. 2010. »Managing for Innovation: The Two Fa-
ces of Tension in Creative Climates.« Creativity and Innovation Mana-
gement 19 (2): 73–88.
James L. R., C. C. Choi, C.-H. E. Ko, P. K. McNeil, M. K. Minton, M. A.
Wright in K. I. Kim. 2008. »Organizational and Psychological Clima-
te: A Review of Theory and Research.« European Journal of Work and
Organizational Psychology 17 (1): 5–32.
Janssen, O. 2000. »Job Demands, Perceptions of Effort-Reward Fairness
and Innovative Work Behaviour.« Journal of Occupational and Organi-
zational Psychology 73 (1): 287–302.
Janssen, O., E. Van de Vliert in M. West. 2004. »The Bright and Dark Sides
86 of Individual and Group Innovation: A Special Issue Introduction.« Jo-
urnal of Organizational Behavior 25 (1): 129–145.
Kanter, R. M. 1988. »When a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Structural, Col-
lective and Social Conditions for Innovation in Organizations.« V Re-
search in Organizational Behaviour, ur. B. M. Straw in L. L. Cummings,
123–67. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Kissi, J., A. R. J. Dainty, A. R. J. in A. Liu. 2012. »Examining Middle Ma-
nagers‘ Influence on Innovation in Construction Professional Services
Firms: A Tale of Three Innovations.« Construction Innovation: Infor-
mation, Process, Management 12 (1): 11–28.
Kuenzi, M., in M. Schminke. 2009. »Assembling Fragments into a Lense: A
Review, Critique, and Proposed Research Agenda for the Organizatio-
nal Work Climate Literature.« Journal of Management 35 (3): 634–717.
Kunze, F., S. A. Böhm in H. Bruch. 2011. »Age Diversity, Age Discrimina-
tion Climate and Performance Consequences: A Cross Organizational
Study.« Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (2): 264–90.
Lumpkin, G. T., in G. G. Dess. 1996. »Clarifying the Entrepreneurial Ori-
entation Construct and Linking it to Performance.« Academy of Mana-
gement Review 21 (1): 135–72.
Malek, M. D., A. Fahrudin in I. S. M. Kamil. 2009. Occupational Stress and
Psychological Well Being in Emergency Services. Asian Social Work and
Policy 3 (1): 143–154.
Mathisen, G. E., O. Martinsen in S. Einarsen. 2008. »The Relationship
between Creative Personality Composition, Innovative Team Climate,
and Team Innovativeness: An Input-Process-Output Perspective.« Jou-
rnal of Creative Behavior 42 (1): 13–31.