Page 89 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič (ur.). 2017. Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima: Teorija, praksa in raziskave v Sloveniji. Koper. Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 89
5: Organizacijska klima in poslovanje organizacije 89
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Stone, P.W., C. Mooney-Kane, E. L. Larson, D. K. Pastor, J. Zwanziger in A.
W. Dick. 2007. »Nurse Working Conditions, Organizational Climate
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Ta, T. L., in K. S. Leng. 2013. »Challenges Faced by Malaysians with Disa-
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Tetrick, L. E., in J. M. Peiró. 2016. »Prevention and Promotion.« V The
Psychologically Healthy Workplace: Building a Win-Win Environment
for Organizations and Employees, ur. M. J. Grawitch in D. W. Ballard,
199–229. Washington: American Psychological Association.
Thrasher, G. R., K. Zabel, K. Wynne in B. B. Baltes. 2016. »The Importance
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Van der Vegt, G. S., E. Van de Vliert in X. Huang. 2005. »Location-Le-
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Wang, P., in J. C. Rode. 2010. »Transformational Leadership and Follower
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Zacher, H., in J. Yang. 2016. »Organizational Climate for Successful
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