Page 88 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič (ur.). 2017. Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima: Teorija, praksa in raziskave v Sloveniji. Koper. Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 88
Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima
Patterson, M., M. West, V. Shackleton, J. Dawson, R. Lawthom, S. Matlis,
D. L. Robinson in A. M. Wallace. 2005. »Validating the Organizatio-
nal Climate Measure: Links to Managerial Practices, Productivity and
Innovation.« Journal of Organizational Behaviour 26 (1): 379–408.
Pillinger, T., in M. A. West. 1995. Innovation in UK Manufacturing Com-
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Rauch, A., J. Wiklund, G. T. Lumpkin in M. Frese. 2009. »Entrepreneuri-
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Reason, J. 1997. Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents. Aldershot:
Ribisl, K. M., in T. M. Reischl. 1993. »Measuring the Climate for Health at
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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 35 (1): 812–24.
Rousseau, D., S. Sitkin, R. Burt in C. Camerer. 1998. »Not so Different Af-
ter All: A Cross Discipline View of Trust.« Academy of Management
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Schneider, B., in A. E. Reichers. 1983. »On the Etiology of Climates.« Per-
sonnel Psychology 36 (1): 19–40.
Schneider, B., M. G. Ehrhart in W. H. Macey. 2013. »Organizational Cli-
mate and Culture.« Annual Review of Psychology 64 (1): 361–88.
Schulz, H., H. Zacher in S. Lippke. 2017. »The Importance of Team He-
alth Climate for Health-Related Outcomes of White-Collar Wor-
kers.« Frontiers in Psychology 8 (74).
Schyns, B., M. V. Veldhoven in S. Wood. 2009. »Organizational Climate,
Relative Psychological Climate and Job Satisfaction.« Leadership & Or-
ganization Development Journal 30 (7): 649–663.
Scott, S. G., in R. A. Bruce. 1994. »Determinants of Innovative Behavior:
A Path Model of Individual Innovation in the Workplace.« Academy of
Management Journal 37 (1): 580–607.
Shih, H., in E. Susanto. 2011. »Is Innovative Behavior Really Good for the
Firm?: Innovative Work Behavior, Conflict with Co-Workers and Tur-
nover Intention: Moderating Roles of Perceived Distributive Fairness.«
International Journal of Conflict Management 22 (2): 111–30.
Sonnentag, S., in A. Pundt. 2016. »Organisational Health Behavior Clima-
te: Organisations Can Encourage Healthy Eating and Physical Exerci-
se.« Applied Psychology an International Review 65 (1): 259–86.
Patterson, M., M. West, V. Shackleton, J. Dawson, R. Lawthom, S. Matlis,
D. L. Robinson in A. M. Wallace. 2005. »Validating the Organizatio-
nal Climate Measure: Links to Managerial Practices, Productivity and
Innovation.« Journal of Organizational Behaviour 26 (1): 379–408.
Pillinger, T., in M. A. West. 1995. Innovation in UK Manufacturing Com-
panies. Sheffield: Institute of Work Psychology, University of Sheffield.
Rauch, A., J. Wiklund, G. T. Lumpkin in M. Frese. 2009. »Entrepreneuri-
al Orientation and Business Performance. An Assessment of Past Rese-
arch and Suggestions for the Future.« Enterpreneurship Theory & Pra-
ctice 33 (3): 761–87.
Reason, J. 1997. Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents. Aldershot:
Ribisl, K. M., in T. M. Reischl. 1993. »Measuring the Climate for Health at
88 Organizations: Development of the Worksite Health Climate Scales.«
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 35 (1): 812–24.
Rousseau, D., S. Sitkin, R. Burt in C. Camerer. 1998. »Not so Different Af-
ter All: A Cross Discipline View of Trust.« Academy of Management
Review 23 (2): 393–404.
Schneider, B., in A. E. Reichers. 1983. »On the Etiology of Climates.« Per-
sonnel Psychology 36 (1): 19–40.
Schneider, B., M. G. Ehrhart in W. H. Macey. 2013. »Organizational Cli-
mate and Culture.« Annual Review of Psychology 64 (1): 361–88.
Schulz, H., H. Zacher in S. Lippke. 2017. »The Importance of Team He-
alth Climate for Health-Related Outcomes of White-Collar Wor-
kers.« Frontiers in Psychology 8 (74).
Schyns, B., M. V. Veldhoven in S. Wood. 2009. »Organizational Climate,
Relative Psychological Climate and Job Satisfaction.« Leadership & Or-
ganization Development Journal 30 (7): 649–663.
Scott, S. G., in R. A. Bruce. 1994. »Determinants of Innovative Behavior:
A Path Model of Individual Innovation in the Workplace.« Academy of
Management Journal 37 (1): 580–607.
Shih, H., in E. Susanto. 2011. »Is Innovative Behavior Really Good for the
Firm?: Innovative Work Behavior, Conflict with Co-Workers and Tur-
nover Intention: Moderating Roles of Perceived Distributive Fairness.«
International Journal of Conflict Management 22 (2): 111–30.
Sonnentag, S., in A. Pundt. 2016. »Organisational Health Behavior Clima-
te: Organisations Can Encourage Healthy Eating and Physical Exerci-
se.« Applied Psychology an International Review 65 (1): 259–86.