Page 84 - Moretti, Melita, in Mirko Markič (ur.). 2017. Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima: Teorija, praksa in raziskave v Sloveniji. Koper. Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 84
Organizacijska kultura in organizacijska klima
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Connelly, B. L., S. T. Certo, R. D. Ireland in C. R. Reutzel. 2011. »Signa-
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Covin, J. G., in D. P. Slevin. 1991. »A Conceptual Model of Entrepreneu-
rship as Firm Behavior.« Enterpreneurship Theory and Practice 16 (1):
Crespell, P., in E. Hansen. 2009. »Antecedents to Innovativeness in the Fo-
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Danna, K., in R. W. Griffin. 1999. »Health and Well-Being in the Workpla-
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De Clercq, D., in I. B. Rius. 2007. »Organizational Commitment in Mexi-
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Deshpande, R., in J. U. Farley. 2004. »Organizational Culture, Market Ori-
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Basen-Engquist, K., K. S. Hudmon, M. Tripp in R. Chamberlain. 1998.
»Worksite Health and Safety Climate: Scale Development and Effects
of a Health Promotion Intervention.« Preventive Medicine 27 (1): 111–
Böhm S. A., F. Kunze in H. Bruch. 2014. »Spotlight on Age-Diversity Cli-
mate: The Impact of Age-Inclusive HR Practices on Firm-Level Ou-
tcomes.« Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 67 (3): 667–704.
Burns, C. 2005. »Dual Attitudes about Trust in Safety Culture.« The Busi-
ness Review 4 (2): 92–98.
Cartwright, S., in C. L. Cooper. 2013. »Towards Organizational Health:
Stress, Positive Organizational Behavior, and Employee Well-Being.« V
Bridging Occupational, Organizational and Public Health, ur. G. F. Bau-
er in O. Hämmig, 29–42. New York: Springer.
84 Chen, C., in J. Huang. 2007. »How Organizational Climate and Structu-
re Affect Knowledge Management – The Social Interaction Perspecti-
ve.« International Journal of Information Management 27 (2): 104–18.
Connelly, B. L., S. T. Certo, R. D. Ireland in C. R. Reutzel. 2011. »Signa-
ling Theory: A Review and Assessment.« Journal of Management 37 (1):
Covin, J. G., in D. P. Slevin. 1989. »Strategic Management of Small Firms
in Hostile and Benign Environments.« Strategic Management Journal
10 (1): 75–87.
Covin, J. G., in D. P. Slevin. 1991. »A Conceptual Model of Entrepreneu-
rship as Firm Behavior.« Enterpreneurship Theory and Practice 16 (1):
Crespell, P., in E. Hansen. 2009. »Antecedents to Innovativeness in the Fo-
rest Product Industry.« Journal of Forest Products Business Research 6
(1): 1–20.
Danna, K., in R. W. Griffin. 1999. »Health and Well-Being in the Workpla-
ce: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature.« Journal of Management
25 (3): 357–384.
De Clercq, D., in I. B. Rius. 2007. »Organizational Commitment in Mexi-
can Small Andmedium-Sized Firms: The Role Ofwork Status, Organi-
zational Climate, and Entrepreneurial Orientation.« Journal of Small
Business Management 45 (1): 467–90.
Deshpande, R., in J. U. Farley. 2004. »Organizational Culture, Market Ori-
entation, Innovativeness, and Firmperformance: An International Re-
search Odyssey.« International Journal of Research in Marketing 21 (1):