Page 61 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 61
ia CompetitoreuniversitatisConsidera-Strenghts and Weaknesses Summary.
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 61 destination tions What actions can the Adriatic destinations
Seasonality do in order to become more competitive
on the diving tourism market?
of dive sites Strengths: The season lasts from April to October
with sea temperatures of 17 to 30 ⁰C. The visibility is
Aquatic life on average 30-40m.
and variety
Prices Strengths: A great variety of natural formations to Turkey is relatively a new diving destination that is
(divebooker. submerged ships (over 125 submissive-oldest sub- rapidly evolving and where divers are recognized
com) mersible ships in the world dating back to 1,400 as a significant segment of tourists and this type
p.n.e.) to the great wealth of ancient sites. Gallipoli of tourism is treated as a special niche. Rich flora
Distance from is the most famous destination for submersible ships and fauna, caves, vast variety of wrecks, reefs, sunk-
outbound mar- (from WW1). There are a lot of amphora and oth- en ships and aircraft and sunken ancient cities, as
kets er ancient ceramics in the Turkish underwater. Kas well as good visibility (20-40m) contributed to div-
Popularity is the most famous Turkish diving destination due ing in Turkey.
with main to the combination of natural caves (Blue Hole has Every year, the number of underwater locations in-
European been the most popular underwater site in Turkey for creases.
Outbound years), submerged boats and ancient sites. In most renowned diving destinations, most div-
Markets Strengths: The diversity of the 4 must: Mediterra- ing centers have international certifications such as
Quality of nean, Aegean, Marble, Black. PADI, SSI, CMAS. Most diving centers also func-
non-diving Strengths: tion as tourist agencies, meaning that they offer
tourist offer Prices: full-service service to their guests in cooperation
2 dives with an instructor / one day-30-70 € with various hotels and owners of accommodation
10 dives with an instruction / 5 days-135-300 € facilities while some centers also own their own ac-
Equipment rental -10-20 € per day commodation. There is also a large number of div-
Diving prices are similar to those in the Adriatic, ing sites developed. Eg. Sundiving is a PADI diving
but the prices of accommodation, meals, drinks and resort with 5 * in Kasu offering all-inclusive packag-
shopping are cheaper than in the Adriatic. es and including a restaurant, bar and club.
Strengths: Some destinations such as Kas, Kalkan, Also, most diving centres offer diving schools in
Fethiya are close to the Antalya or Dalaman aer- several languages, not just English.
odromes that have direct links to most Europe- Adriatic Opportunities: Positioning diving desti-
an cities. nations by segment of guests (destinations for less
Weakness: The Gallipoli airport does not have di- and more technically demanding diving); creation
rect flights but it is in Istanbul. Turkey is generally of underwater archaeological parks; creating an
more 1-2 h away from the air market than the Adri- all-inclusive package for divers; emphasis and cre-
atic. ation of additional sports offer in diving destina-
tions; an increase in the number of diving centres
Weaknesses: It is not yet positioned as a top diving with international certifications.
destination on major outbounding markets.
An unstable political situation.

Strengths: The destinations that are deployed as
diving are mainly the kind of offer that this tourist
profile prefers, and these are sports activities with
an emphasis on adrenaline sports such as canyon-
ing, rafting, paragliding, trekking, cycling, kayak-
ing on the sea
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