Page 62 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 62
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 62Micro-Environment: Swot AnalysisUmbrella organization for divers in Slove
Of Diving Tourism In Atas Destinations nia is SLOVENSKA POTAPLJAŠKA ZVEZA
hereditatiIntroduction (SPZ), whose members are 60 diving clubs/cen
Given that there is no diving market for a close tres. The main objective of the SPT is the profes
ly specialized diving product such as the an sional training of members.
cient underwater heritage, a SWOT analysis
of the tourism potential of the destinations for The promotion of diving tourism is in the
the general product of diving tourism has been domain of the National Tourist Office TZS,
made, in relation to the general characteristics which does not distinguish diving tourism as a
of this product and the profile of the European special and significant niche in tourist offer but
diver tourist mentioned in the previous chapter. is treated as an additional activity in destina
Within this analysis, the resources of the ancient tions.
period, which form the backbone of the future
diving thematic route of the Ancient Trap of the There is no legal regulation for diving (div
Adriatic Sea, are especially distinguished. ing tourism and diving sports are not separated
from other diving). National legislation that in
An introduction to the SWOT analysis of other European countries allows for the devel
each destination gives a brief summary of the opment of diving tourism such as scuttling does
state of diving tourism in the country that repre not exist and it is very difficult to obtain a li
sents a strategic framework for the development cense for such a thing. There is also no awareness
of this type of tourism. of the introduction of no-take zones that do not
allow any human activity except diving and are
In the analysis of the touristic / resource primarily directed to the preservation of a fish-
base of the destination, those segments / of based fund that makes the underwater more at
fers that are an integral part of the diving tour tractive for diving.
ism products and which may be attractive for all
three segments of this market are considered: As far as diving standards and certification
are concerned, most of the approximately 10 div
- the plant and animal world of the underwa ing clubs involved in diving services in tourism
ter world have international certificates. This facilitates
the development of diving tourism as European
- underwater locations - with particular emp tour operators specializing in this tourism sec
hasis on antique tor work exclusively with those diving clubs that
have international certifications .
- beaches, cultural heritage and manifestati
ons - with special emphasis on antique; na Education of diving staff regarding the in
tural heritage; sports activities terpretation of underwater sites does not ex
ist. The potential of multimedia technologies in
In order to determine its positioning in rela the presentation of underwater sites has also not
tion to the major european emission diving mar been used at all.
kets destinations have been analysed regarding
their tourism infrastructure, accommodation There are about 10 diving clubs / centers in
capacities, traffic accessibility. Slovenia, all of which offer diving (diving, excur
sions). Diving season takes about 3 months, from
Slovenia – Izola June till September.
Diving Tourism In Slovenia
Diving tourism in Slovenia is not recognized as a Slovenia has not been recognized in the ma
special type of selective tourism that has its mar jor broadcasting markets as one of the existing
ket and the diving offer function as an addition Mediterranean diving destinations and has not
al sporting activity in destinations. been included as a destination on some of the
popular web services for the purchase of tourist
diving services such as:; scuba
Of Diving Tourism In Atas Destinations nia is SLOVENSKA POTAPLJAŠKA ZVEZA
hereditatiIntroduction (SPZ), whose members are 60 diving clubs/cen
Given that there is no diving market for a close tres. The main objective of the SPT is the profes
ly specialized diving product such as the an sional training of members.
cient underwater heritage, a SWOT analysis
of the tourism potential of the destinations for The promotion of diving tourism is in the
the general product of diving tourism has been domain of the National Tourist Office TZS,
made, in relation to the general characteristics which does not distinguish diving tourism as a
of this product and the profile of the European special and significant niche in tourist offer but
diver tourist mentioned in the previous chapter. is treated as an additional activity in destina
Within this analysis, the resources of the ancient tions.
period, which form the backbone of the future
diving thematic route of the Ancient Trap of the There is no legal regulation for diving (div
Adriatic Sea, are especially distinguished. ing tourism and diving sports are not separated
from other diving). National legislation that in
An introduction to the SWOT analysis of other European countries allows for the devel
each destination gives a brief summary of the opment of diving tourism such as scuttling does
state of diving tourism in the country that repre not exist and it is very difficult to obtain a li
sents a strategic framework for the development cense for such a thing. There is also no awareness
of this type of tourism. of the introduction of no-take zones that do not
allow any human activity except diving and are
In the analysis of the touristic / resource primarily directed to the preservation of a fish-
base of the destination, those segments / of based fund that makes the underwater more at
fers that are an integral part of the diving tour tractive for diving.
ism products and which may be attractive for all
three segments of this market are considered: As far as diving standards and certification
are concerned, most of the approximately 10 div
- the plant and animal world of the underwa ing clubs involved in diving services in tourism
ter world have international certificates. This facilitates
the development of diving tourism as European
- underwater locations - with particular emp tour operators specializing in this tourism sec
hasis on antique tor work exclusively with those diving clubs that
have international certifications .
- beaches, cultural heritage and manifestati
ons - with special emphasis on antique; na Education of diving staff regarding the in
tural heritage; sports activities terpretation of underwater sites does not ex
ist. The potential of multimedia technologies in
In order to determine its positioning in rela the presentation of underwater sites has also not
tion to the major european emission diving mar been used at all.
kets destinations have been analysed regarding
their tourism infrastructure, accommodation There are about 10 diving clubs / centers in
capacities, traffic accessibility. Slovenia, all of which offer diving (diving, excur
sions). Diving season takes about 3 months, from
Slovenia – Izola June till September.
Diving Tourism In Slovenia
Diving tourism in Slovenia is not recognized as a Slovenia has not been recognized in the ma
special type of selective tourism that has its mar jor broadcasting markets as one of the existing
ket and the diving offer function as an addition Mediterranean diving destinations and has not
al sporting activity in destinations. been included as a destination on some of the
popular web services for the purchase of tourist
diving services such as:; scuba