Page 69 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 69
ia universitatisCultural Heritage And Attractions From attraction is the public launch of sea turtled ma
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 69 Ancient Period rine turtles.
The Apoksiomeon Museum is a unique cultur
al phenomenon in Croatia. It is dedicated to an Aquapark Čikat
antique bronze statue that is the only such pro The Day of the Dolphin - held on 1 July, con
portion found on the eastern Adriatic coast (at sists of lectures, exhibitions, workshops, games,
a depth of 45 m). It was dated 2nd or 1st st.p.k. sports competitions etc. One of the main fea
And from 8 so far known variations of Apoxy tures of the Dolphin Day, where this event be
omenic prototype, the Lošinj statue is the most came recognizable, is the great international art
complete and most conservative. exhibition of children’s art on the sea and dol
phin theme Sea turtles world day - 16.06. - is
There are tourist guides specialized in an marked by a series of workshops and activities
cient times in Lošinj that are educated and certi aimed mainly at children
fied for professional management on the subject
of “Lošinj in antique times”. Sport
On the island of Lošinj you can hike and hike
From this year there is also a unique mani to 250 km of landscaped stretches that stretch to
festation of the Apoksiomeon Festival and An five islands, include areas on the island of Cres
tiquity (May) during which visitors can expe (Punta Križa) and on the islands of Lošinj, Il
rience and try different services and products ovik, Susak and Unions. The trails are diverse
inspired by Apoxyomen and Antiquity: an from light to foot to middle and very demand
tique antiquing sailing, diving in archaeological ing hiking trails.
sites, Apoksiomen’s Natural Cosmetics, Apoksi
omen’s Massage, Apoksiomen’s Cooking School, Losinj still has the following sports facil
workshops with antique wines ... ities: outdoor tennis courts (27), multipurpose
playground (small football, 2 basketball courts, 2
Osor - Archaeological collection of Osor tennis courts, 2 volleyball courts), beach volley
and several archaeological remains in situ: an ball, boccia, mini golf, table tennis, bowling al
cient walls, fortifications, early early Christian ley, outdoors, 30 directions for free climbing on
basilicas. natural rocks, cycling trails, sailing, kayaking.
Other Attractions Sports events
Lošinj Education Center on the Sea - the first 4 Islands MTB Stage Race - Unique moun
educational interpretation center on the sea on tain-bike race on four islands: Rab, Krk, Cres
the Adriatic coast, founded in 2003 by the Blue and Lošinj. Beautiful and picturesque land
World Institute for Research and Protection scapes, great organizations have put this race into
of the Sea with the aim of disseminating infor the calendar of many MTB enthusiasts, which is
mation and educational content on biology, re not surprising since the race was declared one of
search and threats and protection of the marine the best in Europe.
ecosystem to a greater number of people. The Downhill Lošinj (cycling) - extreme bicycle rac
center has a large number of its contents dedicat ing downhill
ed to education of children. Lošinj-Cres Trail - A 2-seater stage racing track
that takes place in October.
The turtle recovery site - is located in the Lošinj semi-marathon - is held in September.
Sunny Bay in Mali Lošinj and in the interest of The regatta of the Losinj Olympics - two days,
the Institute for Research and Protection of the every year in August
Blue Sea. It is the only recovery site along the
coast of the Adriatic Sea. For turtles, various lec
tures are organized for visitors, and the biggest
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 69 Ancient Period rine turtles.
The Apoksiomeon Museum is a unique cultur
al phenomenon in Croatia. It is dedicated to an Aquapark Čikat
antique bronze statue that is the only such pro The Day of the Dolphin - held on 1 July, con
portion found on the eastern Adriatic coast (at sists of lectures, exhibitions, workshops, games,
a depth of 45 m). It was dated 2nd or 1st st.p.k. sports competitions etc. One of the main fea
And from 8 so far known variations of Apoxy tures of the Dolphin Day, where this event be
omenic prototype, the Lošinj statue is the most came recognizable, is the great international art
complete and most conservative. exhibition of children’s art on the sea and dol
phin theme Sea turtles world day - 16.06. - is
There are tourist guides specialized in an marked by a series of workshops and activities
cient times in Lošinj that are educated and certi aimed mainly at children
fied for professional management on the subject
of “Lošinj in antique times”. Sport
On the island of Lošinj you can hike and hike
From this year there is also a unique mani to 250 km of landscaped stretches that stretch to
festation of the Apoksiomeon Festival and An five islands, include areas on the island of Cres
tiquity (May) during which visitors can expe (Punta Križa) and on the islands of Lošinj, Il
rience and try different services and products ovik, Susak and Unions. The trails are diverse
inspired by Apoxyomen and Antiquity: an from light to foot to middle and very demand
tique antiquing sailing, diving in archaeological ing hiking trails.
sites, Apoksiomen’s Natural Cosmetics, Apoksi
omen’s Massage, Apoksiomen’s Cooking School, Losinj still has the following sports facil
workshops with antique wines ... ities: outdoor tennis courts (27), multipurpose
playground (small football, 2 basketball courts, 2
Osor - Archaeological collection of Osor tennis courts, 2 volleyball courts), beach volley
and several archaeological remains in situ: an ball, boccia, mini golf, table tennis, bowling al
cient walls, fortifications, early early Christian ley, outdoors, 30 directions for free climbing on
basilicas. natural rocks, cycling trails, sailing, kayaking.
Other Attractions Sports events
Lošinj Education Center on the Sea - the first 4 Islands MTB Stage Race - Unique moun
educational interpretation center on the sea on tain-bike race on four islands: Rab, Krk, Cres
the Adriatic coast, founded in 2003 by the Blue and Lošinj. Beautiful and picturesque land
World Institute for Research and Protection scapes, great organizations have put this race into
of the Sea with the aim of disseminating infor the calendar of many MTB enthusiasts, which is
mation and educational content on biology, re not surprising since the race was declared one of
search and threats and protection of the marine the best in Europe.
ecosystem to a greater number of people. The Downhill Lošinj (cycling) - extreme bicycle rac
center has a large number of its contents dedicat ing downhill
ed to education of children. Lošinj-Cres Trail - A 2-seater stage racing track
that takes place in October.
The turtle recovery site - is located in the Lošinj semi-marathon - is held in September.
Sunny Bay in Mali Lošinj and in the interest of The regatta of the Losinj Olympics - two days,
the Institute for Research and Protection of the every year in August
Blue Sea. It is the only recovery site along the
coast of the Adriatic Sea. For turtles, various lec
tures are organized for visitors, and the biggest