Page 70 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 70
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 70Nerezine regatta of traditional sailing boatsitates the development of diving tourism on
- Sailing regattas of wooden treasures in Nerez antiquity.
hereditatiine began in the late 1920s.
Accomodation Capacities
Lošinj’s regatta on the rocks in September
New Year’s Cup of Nations and Cities in 70 accommodation facilities with 20,080 beds,
Underwater Fishing - It’s been held since 1959. of which 9 hotels, 2 tourist resorts, 9 boarding
The 56-year-old underwater fishing competi houses, 7 campsites and 3 hostels, while other
tion has been recognized as one of the most pres family accommodation. In the structure of ac
tigious and amongst the most powerful in the commodation capacity dominated by camps
world. The data that you have done and partic with 44% share, followed by family accommo
ipated in this competition is a matter of honor dation of 27% and hotels with 12%. Of 9 hotels
and prestige of every underwater fisherman in 22% have 5 * (2 hotels), 56% 4 * (5 hotels) and 22%
the world. 3 * (2 hotels).
Thanks to the beneficial influence of the A large number of accommodation facil-
sea and the medicinal herbs, Lošinj was ities in camps can be interesting for divers
declared a climatic health resort in the 19 to tourists who like to travel low budget like
th century, so accordingly the island se- passionate divers.
lected the positioning in the tourist mar-
ket under the slogan “Island of vitality”, A large number of high-class hotels can at-
which significantly developed the offer tract segments of the recreational dive mar-
of active tourism. This tourist offer can ket and those who travel with families who
be extremely appealing to tourists-divers generally have high income research and
who are focused on a healthy lifestyle and prefer high-quality or luxurious accommo-
are prone to practicing just sports activi- dation. A large number of hotels also point
ties on vacation. to favorable opportunities for the forma-
tion of tourist products in pre-season and
Lošinj’s specialty is also a large number of in- post-season.
ternational sporting events that have a great
tourist potential and affect the season’s ex- Accessibility Of Destination
tension and can certainly be interesting for
divers-tourists. Traffic connection
The specialty of Lošinj is also a large number Mali Lošinj Airport-at the moment accessible
of unique attractions and events related to only for private airplanes and charters. In 2018
the sea and sea life such as the sea education it is planned reconstruction of the airport with
center, the turtle recovery or the Dolphin the extension of the piste that will allowed inter
Days and the celebration of the World Day national flights.
of Sea Turtles making the island extremely
attractive for the segment of divers traveling Airport Krk – 80 km from Lošinj. Flights
with families. to: Zagreb, Koln, London, Stockholm, Bucha
rest. Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Tel Aviv, Košice,
The Lošinj city administration and TZ Riga, Moscow, Munich, Innsbruck, Gothen
thanks to the unique Apoksiomeon attrac- burg. Significantly fewer flights out of season.
tion have recognized the poetry of antiquity
for branding the destination and launched a
series of activities for the purpose of creating
a new tourist product, which certainly facil-
- Sailing regattas of wooden treasures in Nerez antiquity.
hereditatiine began in the late 1920s.
Accomodation Capacities
Lošinj’s regatta on the rocks in September
New Year’s Cup of Nations and Cities in 70 accommodation facilities with 20,080 beds,
Underwater Fishing - It’s been held since 1959. of which 9 hotels, 2 tourist resorts, 9 boarding
The 56-year-old underwater fishing competi houses, 7 campsites and 3 hostels, while other
tion has been recognized as one of the most pres family accommodation. In the structure of ac
tigious and amongst the most powerful in the commodation capacity dominated by camps
world. The data that you have done and partic with 44% share, followed by family accommo
ipated in this competition is a matter of honor dation of 27% and hotels with 12%. Of 9 hotels
and prestige of every underwater fisherman in 22% have 5 * (2 hotels), 56% 4 * (5 hotels) and 22%
the world. 3 * (2 hotels).
Thanks to the beneficial influence of the A large number of accommodation facil-
sea and the medicinal herbs, Lošinj was ities in camps can be interesting for divers
declared a climatic health resort in the 19 to tourists who like to travel low budget like
th century, so accordingly the island se- passionate divers.
lected the positioning in the tourist mar-
ket under the slogan “Island of vitality”, A large number of high-class hotels can at-
which significantly developed the offer tract segments of the recreational dive mar-
of active tourism. This tourist offer can ket and those who travel with families who
be extremely appealing to tourists-divers generally have high income research and
who are focused on a healthy lifestyle and prefer high-quality or luxurious accommo-
are prone to practicing just sports activi- dation. A large number of hotels also point
ties on vacation. to favorable opportunities for the forma-
tion of tourist products in pre-season and
Lošinj’s specialty is also a large number of in- post-season.
ternational sporting events that have a great
tourist potential and affect the season’s ex- Accessibility Of Destination
tension and can certainly be interesting for
divers-tourists. Traffic connection
The specialty of Lošinj is also a large number Mali Lošinj Airport-at the moment accessible
of unique attractions and events related to only for private airplanes and charters. In 2018
the sea and sea life such as the sea education it is planned reconstruction of the airport with
center, the turtle recovery or the Dolphin the extension of the piste that will allowed inter
Days and the celebration of the World Day national flights.
of Sea Turtles making the island extremely
attractive for the segment of divers traveling Airport Krk – 80 km from Lošinj. Flights
with families. to: Zagreb, Koln, London, Stockholm, Bucha
rest. Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Tel Aviv, Košice,
The Lošinj city administration and TZ Riga, Moscow, Munich, Innsbruck, Gothen
thanks to the unique Apoksiomeon attrac- burg. Significantly fewer flights out of season.
tion have recognized the poetry of antiquity
for branding the destination and launched a
series of activities for the purpose of creating
a new tourist product, which certainly facil-