Page 68 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 68
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 68island and its region, set at a depth of 5 to 15m.The Underwater Historic Park is the only
Among the exhibits are replica of XVI centu attraction in the Adriatic and especially at-
hereditatiry guns, antique amphora replica, ants from thetractive for children and less experienced di-
4th of the 5th century, Venetian cannons, gun vers. It is one of the top 10 locations in HR
ners from II. world war, and the biggest attrac for diving on
tion of the underwater park is certainly the rep ht tp://w w w.boatinternationa
lica of the antique bronze statue of the athlete nations/mediterranean-yacht-destinations/
Apoksiomeon from the 2nd to the 1st cent. be of-the-best-dive-sites-in-croatia--33149/
fore Christ, a symbol of Mali Lošinj. The Apok frame-10
simeon replica is erected in an upright position
in natural size, and the entire path to the park is Resource And Attractive Base For Non-
about 300m. Diving Activities
Ancient Diving Sites There are altogether 50, 4 of which are sandy. 3
beaches have a blue flag. Beaches represent one of
Sites under protection of Ministry of culture the key resources of the island, and by their num
RC: ber and diversity they open up the possibility for
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-47, Ilovik Island much more significant valorisation.
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-36, Unije Island
- Antique shipwreck with cargo, Z-49, Lošinj Is Natural Heritage
land The specificity of Lošinj is a great wealth of plant
- Ancient Amphora, Z-48, Losinj Island species. According to research, 1018 plant species
- Ancient ceramics and building material of have been identified, of which 939 species belong
Z-77, Osor to indigenous flora. Of these, 230 species belong
- Antique shipwreck with load of construction to medicinal herbs.
material, Susak Z-22
- Ancient Shipwreck, Pernat, Z-37, Cres Island There are 2 forest parks: Čikat and Pod
- Antique Shipwreck, Martinšćica, Z-14, Cres Javori.
Cultural Heritage And Manifestations
The Lošinj submarine is characterized by The protected cultural and historical part of the
the richness of flora and fauna and the di- town of Mali Losinj and the Osor settlement are
versity of underwater locations, the most some sort of outdoor museums rich in cultural
significant of which are natural attractions. heritage of various historical styles. Nearby are 2
Premuda ‘Cathedral’ is among the top 10 archaeological zones Oruda and Palacol.
diving sites in the Adriatic. Finally, there is a
wreck of St. Istvan (1914), which is the largest The museum gallery of Veli Losinj reveals a
and most famous ship in the Adriatic, but at rich naval tradition of the island. The permanent
a depth of 66 m and is only available to the exhibition has the task of presenting the layered
most experienced divers. Its shift to a low- history of Lošinj, with a special focus on the fa
er depth would significantly contribute to mous naval past.
the greater attractiveness of the diving on
Lošinj. Osor Music Evenings - an international fes
tival of classical music during July and August.
Ancient sites have a fair number, but none
of the diving clubs have a concession (high Jazz Festival Losinj - The central music
price) so not all are included in the tourist of- event of Lošinj’s cultural summer is held in July.
fer. The festival is of international character.
Among the exhibits are replica of XVI centu attraction in the Adriatic and especially at-
hereditatiry guns, antique amphora replica, ants from thetractive for children and less experienced di-
4th of the 5th century, Venetian cannons, gun vers. It is one of the top 10 locations in HR
ners from II. world war, and the biggest attrac for diving on
tion of the underwater park is certainly the rep ht tp://w w w.boatinternationa
lica of the antique bronze statue of the athlete nations/mediterranean-yacht-destinations/
Apoksiomeon from the 2nd to the 1st cent. be of-the-best-dive-sites-in-croatia--33149/
fore Christ, a symbol of Mali Lošinj. The Apok frame-10
simeon replica is erected in an upright position
in natural size, and the entire path to the park is Resource And Attractive Base For Non-
about 300m. Diving Activities
Ancient Diving Sites There are altogether 50, 4 of which are sandy. 3
beaches have a blue flag. Beaches represent one of
Sites under protection of Ministry of culture the key resources of the island, and by their num
RC: ber and diversity they open up the possibility for
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-47, Ilovik Island much more significant valorisation.
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-36, Unije Island
- Antique shipwreck with cargo, Z-49, Lošinj Is Natural Heritage
land The specificity of Lošinj is a great wealth of plant
- Ancient Amphora, Z-48, Losinj Island species. According to research, 1018 plant species
- Ancient ceramics and building material of have been identified, of which 939 species belong
Z-77, Osor to indigenous flora. Of these, 230 species belong
- Antique shipwreck with load of construction to medicinal herbs.
material, Susak Z-22
- Ancient Shipwreck, Pernat, Z-37, Cres Island There are 2 forest parks: Čikat and Pod
- Antique Shipwreck, Martinšćica, Z-14, Cres Javori.
Cultural Heritage And Manifestations
The Lošinj submarine is characterized by The protected cultural and historical part of the
the richness of flora and fauna and the di- town of Mali Losinj and the Osor settlement are
versity of underwater locations, the most some sort of outdoor museums rich in cultural
significant of which are natural attractions. heritage of various historical styles. Nearby are 2
Premuda ‘Cathedral’ is among the top 10 archaeological zones Oruda and Palacol.
diving sites in the Adriatic. Finally, there is a
wreck of St. Istvan (1914), which is the largest The museum gallery of Veli Losinj reveals a
and most famous ship in the Adriatic, but at rich naval tradition of the island. The permanent
a depth of 66 m and is only available to the exhibition has the task of presenting the layered
most experienced divers. Its shift to a low- history of Lošinj, with a special focus on the fa
er depth would significantly contribute to mous naval past.
the greater attractiveness of the diving on
Lošinj. Osor Music Evenings - an international fes
tival of classical music during July and August.
Ancient sites have a fair number, but none
of the diving clubs have a concession (high Jazz Festival Losinj - The central music
price) so not all are included in the tourist of- event of Lošinj’s cultural summer is held in July.
fer. The festival is of international character.