Page 73 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVII (2021), številka 33, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 73
Stati in obstati 17(2021): 71-81
Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko
Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede ZRC SAZU
Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani (v pokoju)
Razprava osvetljuje pojmovanje oz. razumevanje narodnega jezika nemškega refor-
matorja Martina Luthra in najpomembnejšega slovenskega reformatorja Primoža
Trubarja. Oba utrjujeta biblično besedilo v novodobnih evropskih jezikih: Luther
v novi visoki nemščini, Trubar v slovenskem jeziku, ki se do njegovih tiskanih be-
sedil poprej ni pojavljal v knjigah. Oba avtorja sta izdelala vsak svoj jezikovni pro-
gram, ki ju je mogoče vzporejati ter iz njiju prepoznati jezikovni nazor obeh prote-
stantov, ki temelji na spoznanju, da se je Bog poslužil jezikov, ko je hotel, da se evan-
gelij širi med vse ljudi. Zato vsak na svoj način utemeljujeta rabo maternega jezika
kot sredstva, po katerem se uteleša Božji Duh.
Ključne besede: Martin Luther, Primož Trubar, Biblija, prevajanje, jezikovni nazor,
teološka antropologija
Luther and Trubar's View on Language as the Vessel of the Spirit
The discussion sheds light on the conception and understanding of the national
language of the German reformer Martin Luther and the most important Sloveni-
an reformer Primož Trubar. Both authors consolidate the biblical text in early mod-
ern European languages: Luther in the New High German and Trubar in the Slo-
vene language, which had not appeared in books until the publication of his print-
ed texts. They each developed their own language programme that can be com-
pared and from which both Protestants’ view on language can be discerned, which
was based on the realization that God used languages when he wanted the gospel to
spread among all people. Therefore, they each in their own way justify the use of the
mother tongue as the means through which the Spirit of God is embodied.
Keywords: Martin Luther, Primož Trubar, Bible, translating, view on language, the-
ological anthropology
Fanika Krajnc-Vrečko
Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede ZRC SAZU
Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani (v pokoju)
Razprava osvetljuje pojmovanje oz. razumevanje narodnega jezika nemškega refor-
matorja Martina Luthra in najpomembnejšega slovenskega reformatorja Primoža
Trubarja. Oba utrjujeta biblično besedilo v novodobnih evropskih jezikih: Luther
v novi visoki nemščini, Trubar v slovenskem jeziku, ki se do njegovih tiskanih be-
sedil poprej ni pojavljal v knjigah. Oba avtorja sta izdelala vsak svoj jezikovni pro-
gram, ki ju je mogoče vzporejati ter iz njiju prepoznati jezikovni nazor obeh prote-
stantov, ki temelji na spoznanju, da se je Bog poslužil jezikov, ko je hotel, da se evan-
gelij širi med vse ljudi. Zato vsak na svoj način utemeljujeta rabo maternega jezika
kot sredstva, po katerem se uteleša Božji Duh.
Ključne besede: Martin Luther, Primož Trubar, Biblija, prevajanje, jezikovni nazor,
teološka antropologija
Luther and Trubar's View on Language as the Vessel of the Spirit
The discussion sheds light on the conception and understanding of the national
language of the German reformer Martin Luther and the most important Sloveni-
an reformer Primož Trubar. Both authors consolidate the biblical text in early mod-
ern European languages: Luther in the New High German and Trubar in the Slo-
vene language, which had not appeared in books until the publication of his print-
ed texts. They each developed their own language programme that can be com-
pared and from which both Protestants’ view on language can be discerned, which
was based on the realization that God used languages when he wanted the gospel to
spread among all people. Therefore, they each in their own way justify the use of the
mother tongue as the means through which the Spirit of God is embodied.
Keywords: Martin Luther, Primož Trubar, Bible, translating, view on language, the-
ological anthropology