Page 84 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 84
Abstract: In this paper, we focus on an individual’s physiological and psychological reaction
glasbenopedagoški zbornik ◆ letnik/volume 20 ◆ številka/number 40
to listening to music during recreational sports, but more specifically on the connection
between musical tempo and heart rate. With the help of existing research studies, we se-
lected the optimal tempo ranges of musical accompaniment that can play a crucial role in
physical endurance and perception of physical exertion while exercising, or the ergogenic
effect of music. We conducted a pilot study to provide a starting point for possible future
research and to find out whether listening to music can influence a person during a shorter
recreational sport to the point where a change in their heart rate before and after running
can be detected. In the experiment, we divided 11 candidates (aged between 21 and 29) into
an experimental group (6 candidates, with an average age of 25.17 years) and a control group
(5 candidates, with an average age of 24.20 years), based on the preliminary interviews and
the shuttle run test we conducted. The control group ran (3 km) without musical accom-
paniment, while the experimental group ran (3 km) with the musical accompaniment at
115 bpm tempo. Each candidate chose their musical accompaniment from a list of availa-
ble songs. The procedure of measuring heart rate was performed equally for all candida-
tes. Then the final testing took place together with the repeated shuttle run test. The rese-
arch results did not prove any statistically typical differences between the heart rate of the
experimental group and the control group; however, the experimental group showed less
fatigue after the running activity and achieved better final results in physical endurance
compared to the control group. For future studies, it would be necessary to provide more
candidates and have the possibility of using a professional heart rate monitor. The latter
would allow the experiment to be carried out precisely and without difficulties.
Keywords: listening to music, recreational running, ergogenic effect of music, musical
tempo, heart rate
judje glasbo zaznavamo na različne načine, pri čemer je pomemben del
odziva naše telo, ki se odziva na več načinov (gibalni odzivi (miganje z
Lglavo, nogo, prsti) in čustveni odzivi), ki se lahko dogajajo zavedno ali
nezavedno. Patel in Iverson (2014, v Tormodstatter Færøvik, 2017) sta v razi-
skavi odzivov na slušne dražljaje predpostavila, da bi bil odziv telesa lahko na-
povedano in ne spontano dejanje. Telo se na glasbo med drugim odzove zara-
di sistema motoričnega načrtovanja v možganih, ki želi predvideti čas utripov.
Bazalni gangliji v možganih namreč sodelujejo pri odkrivanju in povezova-
nju slušnih dražljajev z motoričnim odzivom. Ti se aktivirajo tako za ustvarja-
nje ritmičnega gibanja kot tudi za zaznavanje ritmičnih zvokov (Tormodsda-
tter Færøvik, 2017). Potreben čas, ki ga telo potrebuje, da se odzove na glasbo,
je približno 30 sekund. Vplivov na odzivni čas je veliko, med drugim emocio-
1 Bazalni gangliji so del možganskih struktur, ki sodelujejo pri kognitivnih procesih (načrto-
vanje gibov, učenje, čustveno vedenje) (Lanciego idr. 2012).