Page 176 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XII (2016), številka 23-24, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 176
Charlesworth, James Hamilton. 2014. »The Odes Of Solomon: Their Relation to Scripture
And The Canon in Early Christianity«. V Sacra Scriptura: How “Non-Canonical”
Texts Functioned in Early Judaism and Early Christianity, ur. James H. Charlesworth,
Lee Martin McDonald in Blake A. Jurgens, 89–107. London [etc.]: Bloomsbury
T & T Clark.
Döpp, Siegmar in Peter Bruns. (1998) 2002. Lexikon der antiken christlichen Literatur.
Freiburg: Herder.
Ehrman, Bart D. 2003. Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never
Knew, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
———. 2009. Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And
Why We Don ’t Know About Them). New York: Harper Collins.
Foster, Paul. 2010. The Gospel of Peter Introduction, Critical Edition and Commentary.
Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Gamble, H. 2000. »Canonical Formation of the New Testament«. V Dictionary of New
Testamnet Background: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, ur. Craig
A. Evans in Stanley E. Porter, 183–195. Downers Grove, Leicester: InterVarsity Press.
Danker, Frederick William. 2009. The Concise Greek–English Lexicon of the New Testament.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Kostenberger, Andreas J. in Michael J. Kruger. 2010. The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How
Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding
of Early Christianity. Nottingham: Apollos.
Markschies, Christoph. 2003. Gnosis. An Introduction. Edinburgh/New York: Clark.
Metzger, Bruce M. 1987. The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and
Significance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nestle-Aland, izd. (1898) 1993. Novum Testamentum Graece. Stuttgart: Deutsch Bibel-
Kocijančič, Gorazd in Vid Snoj, ur. 2015. Zgodnjekrščanski spisi: Nova zaveza, Apostolski
očetje, Apokrifni evangeliji in apostolski spisi, Papirusni fragmenti, Zgodnjekrščanska
poezija, Jezusova ágrapha (nezapisani izreki). Celje, Ljubljana: Celjska Mohorjeva
družba, Društvo Mohorjeva družba.
Petersen, William L. 2001. »Constructing The Matrix Of Judaic Christianity From Texts«.
V Le Judéo-christianisme dans tous ses états: actes du colloque de Jérusalem, 6 – 10
juillet 1998, ur. Simon C. Mimouni, 122–144. Pariz: Cerf.
Širca, Alen. 2009. »Uvod v Salomonove ode«. V: Salomonove ode. Salomonovi psalmi,
prev. Alen Širca in Matjaž Črnivec, 309–355. Ljubljana: KUD Logos.
Charlesworth, James Hamilton. 2014. »The Odes Of Solomon: Their Relation to Scripture
And The Canon in Early Christianity«. V Sacra Scriptura: How “Non-Canonical”
Texts Functioned in Early Judaism and Early Christianity, ur. James H. Charlesworth,
Lee Martin McDonald in Blake A. Jurgens, 89–107. London [etc.]: Bloomsbury
T & T Clark.
Döpp, Siegmar in Peter Bruns. (1998) 2002. Lexikon der antiken christlichen Literatur.
Freiburg: Herder.
Ehrman, Bart D. 2003. Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never
Knew, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
———. 2009. Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And
Why We Don ’t Know About Them). New York: Harper Collins.
Foster, Paul. 2010. The Gospel of Peter Introduction, Critical Edition and Commentary.
Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Gamble, H. 2000. »Canonical Formation of the New Testament«. V Dictionary of New
Testamnet Background: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, ur. Craig
A. Evans in Stanley E. Porter, 183–195. Downers Grove, Leicester: InterVarsity Press.
Danker, Frederick William. 2009. The Concise Greek–English Lexicon of the New Testament.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Kostenberger, Andreas J. in Michael J. Kruger. 2010. The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How
Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding
of Early Christianity. Nottingham: Apollos.
Markschies, Christoph. 2003. Gnosis. An Introduction. Edinburgh/New York: Clark.
Metzger, Bruce M. 1987. The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and
Significance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nestle-Aland, izd. (1898) 1993. Novum Testamentum Graece. Stuttgart: Deutsch Bibel-
Kocijančič, Gorazd in Vid Snoj, ur. 2015. Zgodnjekrščanski spisi: Nova zaveza, Apostolski
očetje, Apokrifni evangeliji in apostolski spisi, Papirusni fragmenti, Zgodnjekrščanska
poezija, Jezusova ágrapha (nezapisani izreki). Celje, Ljubljana: Celjska Mohorjeva
družba, Društvo Mohorjeva družba.
Petersen, William L. 2001. »Constructing The Matrix Of Judaic Christianity From Texts«.
V Le Judéo-christianisme dans tous ses états: actes du colloque de Jérusalem, 6 – 10
juillet 1998, ur. Simon C. Mimouni, 122–144. Pariz: Cerf.
Širca, Alen. 2009. »Uvod v Salomonove ode«. V: Salomonove ode. Salomonovi psalmi,
prev. Alen Širca in Matjaž Črnivec, 309–355. Ljubljana: KUD Logos.