Page 115 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik II (2006), številki 3-4, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 115
Bryan, Philip (1998): A Critique of the English Separatist Descent Theory in
Baptist Historiography. Magistrska naloga v obliki online knjige na spletu
(, zadnji dostop:
1. 5. 2006).
Emmerson W.L. (1983): The Reformation and the Advent Movement. Washing-
ton D. C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association.
Estep, William R. (1984): Istina je neuništiva. Novi Sad: Dobra Vest. (Original
(1963): The Anabaptist Story. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadmann Press).
Estep, William R. (1995): Renaissance and Reformation. Grand Rapids: Eerd-
mans Publishing Company.
Foutz, Scott (1998): On the Origins of Roger Williams’ Notion of Religious
Liberty, Quodlibet – Online Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy
(; zadnji dostop: 1. 5. 2006).
Garret, Jr., James Leo (1978): Advocates of Religious Toleration and Freedom.
Fort Worth, Texas: Southwestern Theological Seminary.
Gonzalez, Justo L. (2004): The Story of Christianity. Peabody: Prince Press.
Kerševan, Marko (2001): Protestantizem in protestantsko načelo, V Kerševan
M. (ured), Protestantizem, Poligrafi 21/22, Ljubljana, 3–47.
Luther, Martin (2001): Izbrani spisi. Ljubljana: Nova revija.
Luther, Martin (1981): Tischreden. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun.
Locke, John (1994): »Pismo o toleranci«, Časopis za kritiko znanosti 164–165.
Ljubljana: Študentska organizacija univerze v Ljubljani.
McGrath, Alister E. (2000): Reformation Thought. Oxford: Blackwell Pub-
Melanchton, Philipp (1997): «Die Histori Thome Muntzers», Melanchton
deutsch. ur. M. Beyer, S. Hrein in G. Wartemberg. Leipzig: Evangelische
Olsen, V. Norskov (1987): Papal Supremacy and American Democracy. Loma
Linda, California: Loma Linda University Press.
Willams, George Hunston (1962): The Radical Reformation. London: Wieden-
feld and Nicolson.
Bryan, Philip (1998): A Critique of the English Separatist Descent Theory in
Baptist Historiography. Magistrska naloga v obliki online knjige na spletu
(, zadnji dostop:
1. 5. 2006).
Emmerson W.L. (1983): The Reformation and the Advent Movement. Washing-
ton D. C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association.
Estep, William R. (1984): Istina je neuništiva. Novi Sad: Dobra Vest. (Original
(1963): The Anabaptist Story. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadmann Press).
Estep, William R. (1995): Renaissance and Reformation. Grand Rapids: Eerd-
mans Publishing Company.
Foutz, Scott (1998): On the Origins of Roger Williams’ Notion of Religious
Liberty, Quodlibet – Online Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy
(; zadnji dostop: 1. 5. 2006).
Garret, Jr., James Leo (1978): Advocates of Religious Toleration and Freedom.
Fort Worth, Texas: Southwestern Theological Seminary.
Gonzalez, Justo L. (2004): The Story of Christianity. Peabody: Prince Press.
Kerševan, Marko (2001): Protestantizem in protestantsko načelo, V Kerševan
M. (ured), Protestantizem, Poligrafi 21/22, Ljubljana, 3–47.
Luther, Martin (2001): Izbrani spisi. Ljubljana: Nova revija.
Luther, Martin (1981): Tischreden. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun.
Locke, John (1994): »Pismo o toleranci«, Časopis za kritiko znanosti 164–165.
Ljubljana: Študentska organizacija univerze v Ljubljani.
McGrath, Alister E. (2000): Reformation Thought. Oxford: Blackwell Pub-
Melanchton, Philipp (1997): «Die Histori Thome Muntzers», Melanchton
deutsch. ur. M. Beyer, S. Hrein in G. Wartemberg. Leipzig: Evangelische
Olsen, V. Norskov (1987): Papal Supremacy and American Democracy. Loma
Linda, California: Loma Linda University Press.
Willams, George Hunston (1962): The Radical Reformation. London: Wieden-
feld and Nicolson.