Page 66 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 66
In general Croatian diving offer is insuffistudia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 66Limski kanal along the coast of the Istrian pen
ciently present and the country could be much insula; Kornati and Telascica in the middle
better recognised as diving destination on thehereditati Adriatic, near Sibenik; and the Lastovo Islands,
most important diving web sites and book ser the Malostonian Gulf and the Mljet Island in
vices (only cca 10% of Croatian diving centres Southern Dalmatia. However, the level of pro
only 40% of diving centres is presented at web tection does not automatically imply that those
sites of internationally recognised diving organi areas are no-take zones that are otherwise par
sations like PADI and SSI). ticularly attractive for diving due to the renewed
ecosystem. Currently in Croatia, except in the
The umbrella diving organization in Croa small area of t he NP Kornati and on the Brijuni
tia is a Diving Association with 150 club mem there are no such zones that make the Croatian
bers and 150 diving centers included. Div submarine less competitive in diving toursim
ing Community in Economy at the Croatian due to the large fishery. NP Brijuni, Lim Chan
Chamber of Economy was established in 2006 nel and Telašica Nature Park are prohibited for
and its main aim is to regulate and promote div diving.
ing tourism and consequently represents the
main umbrella organization for diving centers, In special zones / underwater locations it
which, unlike diving clubs, are mainly used com is not possible to dive or possess individual ap
mercially, ie providing services in tourist-recrea provals. These are areas under the special pro
tional diving. The aim of the Community is to tection of the Ministry of Culture and diving
unify diving regulations, to allocate diving tour is only possible with the escort of a diver’s diver
ism as a separate form of tourism through the from a licensed diving center (concession). Na
new Tourism Services Act and to issue a Regula tional Parks Kornati and Mljet are controlled
tion on diving safety as well as to promote Croa diving areas for which permits are issued by park
tia at specialized European diving fairs. administration.
Initiatives have recently been launched to As far as diving standards and certification
create the legal and other conditions that in oth are concerned, most of the centers have some of
er European countries allow the development of the international certificates: PADI, CMAS,
diving tourism such as deliberately scuttleing in SSI. Sometimes diving instructors in certain
order to gain new, interesting dive sites in are diving center have certification but the center is
as that are otherwise unattractive to scuba div not certified by PADI or SSI and so it is not pre
ing. As a result of the lobbying of diving clubs sented on their web sites.
and centers in Kvarner, a new spatial plan of the
County of Primorje-Gorski kotar has drawn ar Education of a diving staff on the issue of
eas within which controlled shipwrecking will interpretation (narration) of underwater loca
be allowed, and appropriate underwritten acts tions does not exist. The potential of multime
related to the sealing of ships will be developed dia technologies in the presentation of underwa
and the County is preparing for the procedure ter sites has also not been used at all.
concessions. In 2016 the first ship was soaked in
Croatia in Pula near Cape Kamenjak, the flag The diving season lasts about 4 months,
ship of JRM Vis, built in Uljanik and bought in from June till end of September. Most of the div
Montenegro. The ship is owned by one Istrian ing services are purchased during July and Au
entrepreneur. The obtaining of various permits gust when is high tourist season in Croatia con
and the struggle with administrative obstacles firming the fact that diving is mostly just one of
lasted 5 years. the additional sport activities in the destination.
Unfortunately, exact statistics and data for this
In Croatia there are seven protected seas aspect of tourist arrivals do not exist.
(NP, nature park, nature reserves): Brijuni and
Diving centres mostly do not offer possibil
ity of advance or online selling and booking but
ciently present and the country could be much insula; Kornati and Telascica in the middle
better recognised as diving destination on thehereditati Adriatic, near Sibenik; and the Lastovo Islands,
most important diving web sites and book ser the Malostonian Gulf and the Mljet Island in
vices (only cca 10% of Croatian diving centres Southern Dalmatia. However, the level of pro
only 40% of diving centres is presented at web tection does not automatically imply that those
sites of internationally recognised diving organi areas are no-take zones that are otherwise par
sations like PADI and SSI). ticularly attractive for diving due to the renewed
ecosystem. Currently in Croatia, except in the
The umbrella diving organization in Croa small area of t he NP Kornati and on the Brijuni
tia is a Diving Association with 150 club mem there are no such zones that make the Croatian
bers and 150 diving centers included. Div submarine less competitive in diving toursim
ing Community in Economy at the Croatian due to the large fishery. NP Brijuni, Lim Chan
Chamber of Economy was established in 2006 nel and Telašica Nature Park are prohibited for
and its main aim is to regulate and promote div diving.
ing tourism and consequently represents the
main umbrella organization for diving centers, In special zones / underwater locations it
which, unlike diving clubs, are mainly used com is not possible to dive or possess individual ap
mercially, ie providing services in tourist-recrea provals. These are areas under the special pro
tional diving. The aim of the Community is to tection of the Ministry of Culture and diving
unify diving regulations, to allocate diving tour is only possible with the escort of a diver’s diver
ism as a separate form of tourism through the from a licensed diving center (concession). Na
new Tourism Services Act and to issue a Regula tional Parks Kornati and Mljet are controlled
tion on diving safety as well as to promote Croa diving areas for which permits are issued by park
tia at specialized European diving fairs. administration.
Initiatives have recently been launched to As far as diving standards and certification
create the legal and other conditions that in oth are concerned, most of the centers have some of
er European countries allow the development of the international certificates: PADI, CMAS,
diving tourism such as deliberately scuttleing in SSI. Sometimes diving instructors in certain
order to gain new, interesting dive sites in are diving center have certification but the center is
as that are otherwise unattractive to scuba div not certified by PADI or SSI and so it is not pre
ing. As a result of the lobbying of diving clubs sented on their web sites.
and centers in Kvarner, a new spatial plan of the
County of Primorje-Gorski kotar has drawn ar Education of a diving staff on the issue of
eas within which controlled shipwrecking will interpretation (narration) of underwater loca
be allowed, and appropriate underwritten acts tions does not exist. The potential of multime
related to the sealing of ships will be developed dia technologies in the presentation of underwa
and the County is preparing for the procedure ter sites has also not been used at all.
concessions. In 2016 the first ship was soaked in
Croatia in Pula near Cape Kamenjak, the flag The diving season lasts about 4 months,
ship of JRM Vis, built in Uljanik and bought in from June till end of September. Most of the div
Montenegro. The ship is owned by one Istrian ing services are purchased during July and Au
entrepreneur. The obtaining of various permits gust when is high tourist season in Croatia con
and the struggle with administrative obstacles firming the fact that diving is mostly just one of
lasted 5 years. the additional sport activities in the destination.
Unfortunately, exact statistics and data for this
In Croatia there are seven protected seas aspect of tourist arrivals do not exist.
(NP, nature park, nature reserves): Brijuni and
Diving centres mostly do not offer possibil
ity of advance or online selling and booking but