Page 64 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 64
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 64Resource And Attractive Base For Non-is also included in the permanent exhibition of
Diving Activities Pomorski Muzeja Sergej Mašera Museum in Pi
hereditatiBeaches ran.
A total of 6 beaches, one of which is a beach for
blind and disabled persons. Sport Infrastructure
2 sports halls, 2 stadiums, 2 tennis clubs, a horse
Natural Heritage club, a rowing club, the cycling track “Pot of
Postojna Pond (66km) - 5 km of underground Health in Friendship” - former part of the
tunnels, part of which is seen from the electric Parenzana trail, turned into a cycling trail that
train. Near the entrance to the pit is the largest stretches from Škofja to Seča and is largely deco
cave castle in the world, which is located in a 123 rated and marked.
m high pit.
Other Attractions
Škocjanske pige (30 km) - System of karst Casino Izola; Zdravilišče Strunjan – healing sea
caves in Slovenia, protected as a Regional Parade mud, a wide range of treatments like thalasso
(+ UNESCO), which are one of the world›s therapy.
largest natural phenomena as one of the largest
underground canyons in the world. Close to the destination there are sever-
al protected natural areas, two of which are
Sečovlje Nature Park Salina (3km from Izo among the largest natural attractions in Slo-
la) was founded in 1990 and covers 721 hectares, venia: Postojna and Skocjanska pits. Paren-
and includes four natural reserves. zana Museum is a unique cultural attraction
as well as a cycling trail on the route of for-
Nature Park of Jezera Fiesa 2.1 hectares, as mer Parenzana.
the only coastal lake in Slovenia. An additional offer from the field of active
tourism would certainly increase the com-
The Škocjan Inlet Natural Reserve was petitiveness of the destination.
founded in 1998 and covers 122 hectares. This is a
swampy area rich in bird species. Traffic Accessibility Of The Destination
Traffic connection
Cultural Heritage And Events Izola is available on the road: Trieste (E61), Za
Parenzana Museum - Presented History of greb (E70 / E61), Budapest (E57, E70 / E61)
the Parenzana Railway, which was in the early
20th century connects Trieste with Porec; Ship Portorož Airport - 10 km
model museum; International Latin American Friuli-Venezia-Gulia Airport - 30km. Con
Dance Competition – May; Istrian Internation nected to a regular bus line with the airport.
al Rowing Regatta – Jun; Izola Boat Show – Sep Ljubljana Airport - 125 km
Emitive destination markets
Cultural Heritage Of Antiquity In 2008 (last available data) totalled 90.113 arriv
The ancient cultural heritage that is available for als and 376,279 nights, of which 242,254 domes
use in the field of tourism is only the archaeo tic guests and 134,025 foreign guests.
logical park of Simon’s Bay. An interpretation
center and underwater archaeological park have The most significant broadcasting markets
been set up in the park. In addition, ancient her with foreign guests are: Germany (22%), Austria
itage is also presented within museums. In Kop (15%), Italy (12%) and Belgium (11%), Switzerland
er, Pokrajinski muzej Koper, within the frame and Sweden (5%), Hungary and the Netherlands
work of a permanent exhibition, exhibited and (4% (3%) and Czech Republic (2%).
antique exhibits from the wider area. Part of the
ancient heritage of the Slovenian coast and coast
Diving Activities Pomorski Muzeja Sergej Mašera Museum in Pi
hereditatiBeaches ran.
A total of 6 beaches, one of which is a beach for
blind and disabled persons. Sport Infrastructure
2 sports halls, 2 stadiums, 2 tennis clubs, a horse
Natural Heritage club, a rowing club, the cycling track “Pot of
Postojna Pond (66km) - 5 km of underground Health in Friendship” - former part of the
tunnels, part of which is seen from the electric Parenzana trail, turned into a cycling trail that
train. Near the entrance to the pit is the largest stretches from Škofja to Seča and is largely deco
cave castle in the world, which is located in a 123 rated and marked.
m high pit.
Other Attractions
Škocjanske pige (30 km) - System of karst Casino Izola; Zdravilišče Strunjan – healing sea
caves in Slovenia, protected as a Regional Parade mud, a wide range of treatments like thalasso
(+ UNESCO), which are one of the world›s therapy.
largest natural phenomena as one of the largest
underground canyons in the world. Close to the destination there are sever-
al protected natural areas, two of which are
Sečovlje Nature Park Salina (3km from Izo among the largest natural attractions in Slo-
la) was founded in 1990 and covers 721 hectares, venia: Postojna and Skocjanska pits. Paren-
and includes four natural reserves. zana Museum is a unique cultural attraction
as well as a cycling trail on the route of for-
Nature Park of Jezera Fiesa 2.1 hectares, as mer Parenzana.
the only coastal lake in Slovenia. An additional offer from the field of active
tourism would certainly increase the com-
The Škocjan Inlet Natural Reserve was petitiveness of the destination.
founded in 1998 and covers 122 hectares. This is a
swampy area rich in bird species. Traffic Accessibility Of The Destination
Traffic connection
Cultural Heritage And Events Izola is available on the road: Trieste (E61), Za
Parenzana Museum - Presented History of greb (E70 / E61), Budapest (E57, E70 / E61)
the Parenzana Railway, which was in the early
20th century connects Trieste with Porec; Ship Portorož Airport - 10 km
model museum; International Latin American Friuli-Venezia-Gulia Airport - 30km. Con
Dance Competition – May; Istrian Internation nected to a regular bus line with the airport.
al Rowing Regatta – Jun; Izola Boat Show – Sep Ljubljana Airport - 125 km
Emitive destination markets
Cultural Heritage Of Antiquity In 2008 (last available data) totalled 90.113 arriv
The ancient cultural heritage that is available for als and 376,279 nights, of which 242,254 domes
use in the field of tourism is only the archaeo tic guests and 134,025 foreign guests.
logical park of Simon’s Bay. An interpretation
center and underwater archaeological park have The most significant broadcasting markets
been set up in the park. In addition, ancient her with foreign guests are: Germany (22%), Austria
itage is also presented within museums. In Kop (15%), Italy (12%) and Belgium (11%), Switzerland
er, Pokrajinski muzej Koper, within the frame and Sweden (5%), Hungary and the Netherlands
work of a permanent exhibition, exhibited and (4% (3%) and Czech Republic (2%).
antique exhibits from the wider area. Part of the
ancient heritage of the Slovenian coast and coast