Page 63 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 63
ia;; easydivebooking. natural reserves. The park consists of 4 km long
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 63 com. cliff, the northernmost Mediterranean solana
and the only Slovenian lagoon system. It is also
Also, most diving centres do not offer pack the northernmost point on which some Med
age deals. iterranean plants are grown. The Debeli Rtič
Monument is comprised of 24 hectares and
Izola consists of a sea and coastal area. Nature Mon
Number of inhabitants: 14.549 (2012.) ument of Rt Madona comprise 12 hectares - Pi
ranska Punta
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving
Climate The Izola underwater is inhabited by the typ-
The average summer temperature is 28 °C and ical flora and fauna of the North Adriatic. In
winter 5 °C. The average amount of sunny days is the immediate vicinity of the destination
300. The sea temperature is usually from the low there are 3 protected sea areas which have a
est 7 °C in February to 24 in August. beneficial effect on the natural resources of
the underwater and the attractiveness of the
According to climate predispositions, the diving destination.
diving season can last 6 months: from May
to October with sea temperatures between Diving Sites
17-24 ⁰C. As it is currently 3 months from For the needs of the SWOT analysis, the offer
June to September, it can be concluded that (presented on the web site) of 4 diving centers
the potential of diving tourism in pre-season was explored: Sub-net (Piran); Dive strong (Por
and post-harvest is insufficient. torož); Rex Maris (Koper); Sharky (Piran).
Underwater The offer of diving tourism includes the fol
Flora and fauna lowing diving sites:
The North Adriatic is particularly rich in fish
endemic species. The reason for this is the karst Natural attractions: Ridge Fiesa; the ridge
morphology of coastal and underwater topog under the Pyrrhus church; the ridge on the Pire
raphy, including inhabited underwater habi Point; underwater Triglav (the deepest point in
tats, karst rivers and spheres. There are 45 sub SLO sea marked with 2500 kg of concrete pyra
types, the endemic of the Adriatic coast and the mid on which Triglava’s coat is); Bernardin
islands. There are about 410 species and subtypes
of fish in the Adriatic, representing approximate Flooded ships: KEC (military-transport
ly 70% of Mediterranean fish taxa, with at least 7 ship-WW2.); Maona (WW2); FIESA
species living only in the Adriatic. Because of the
excessive fishing, about 64 known species are be Ancient Locations: San Simon Archaeolog
fore extinction. ical Park
Protected areas Antique Diving Sites
In Slovenia marine protected natural areas are
Strunjan Nature Park (includes the sea and the - San Simon Archaeological Park
sea coast), nature monuments Debeli Rtič and - Remains of antique construction, Jernejev
Cape Madon. All these areas are in the imme
diate vicinity of the destination. Strunjan Na zaliv
ture Park (5 km from Izola) that was founded
in 2004, covers 429 hectares and contains two Most of the underwater locations can be
reached with the dive from the coast, so
the arrangement of access points certainly
would contributed to the development of
diving tourism as well as better positioning
of the destination on the diving market.
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 63 com. cliff, the northernmost Mediterranean solana
and the only Slovenian lagoon system. It is also
Also, most diving centres do not offer pack the northernmost point on which some Med
age deals. iterranean plants are grown. The Debeli Rtič
Monument is comprised of 24 hectares and
Izola consists of a sea and coastal area. Nature Mon
Number of inhabitants: 14.549 (2012.) ument of Rt Madona comprise 12 hectares - Pi
ranska Punta
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving
Climate The Izola underwater is inhabited by the typ-
The average summer temperature is 28 °C and ical flora and fauna of the North Adriatic. In
winter 5 °C. The average amount of sunny days is the immediate vicinity of the destination
300. The sea temperature is usually from the low there are 3 protected sea areas which have a
est 7 °C in February to 24 in August. beneficial effect on the natural resources of
the underwater and the attractiveness of the
According to climate predispositions, the diving destination.
diving season can last 6 months: from May
to October with sea temperatures between Diving Sites
17-24 ⁰C. As it is currently 3 months from For the needs of the SWOT analysis, the offer
June to September, it can be concluded that (presented on the web site) of 4 diving centers
the potential of diving tourism in pre-season was explored: Sub-net (Piran); Dive strong (Por
and post-harvest is insufficient. torož); Rex Maris (Koper); Sharky (Piran).
Underwater The offer of diving tourism includes the fol
Flora and fauna lowing diving sites:
The North Adriatic is particularly rich in fish
endemic species. The reason for this is the karst Natural attractions: Ridge Fiesa; the ridge
morphology of coastal and underwater topog under the Pyrrhus church; the ridge on the Pire
raphy, including inhabited underwater habi Point; underwater Triglav (the deepest point in
tats, karst rivers and spheres. There are 45 sub SLO sea marked with 2500 kg of concrete pyra
types, the endemic of the Adriatic coast and the mid on which Triglava’s coat is); Bernardin
islands. There are about 410 species and subtypes
of fish in the Adriatic, representing approximate Flooded ships: KEC (military-transport
ly 70% of Mediterranean fish taxa, with at least 7 ship-WW2.); Maona (WW2); FIESA
species living only in the Adriatic. Because of the
excessive fishing, about 64 known species are be Ancient Locations: San Simon Archaeolog
fore extinction. ical Park
Protected areas Antique Diving Sites
In Slovenia marine protected natural areas are
Strunjan Nature Park (includes the sea and the - San Simon Archaeological Park
sea coast), nature monuments Debeli Rtič and - Remains of antique construction, Jernejev
Cape Madon. All these areas are in the imme
diate vicinity of the destination. Strunjan Na zaliv
ture Park (5 km from Izola) that was founded
in 2004, covers 429 hectares and contains two Most of the underwater locations can be
reached with the dive from the coast, so
the arrangement of access points certainly
would contributed to the development of
diving tourism as well as better positioning
of the destination on the diving market.