Page 67 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 67
ia universitatisexclusively on the diving site. Also, most diving pletely disappeared. The community of good
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 67 centers do not offer package deals. dolphins that inhabits the sea around Cres and
Lošinj counts 200 dolphins. Major scientific rea
Most diving centers offer the same services search interest of Blue World Institute of Ma
as: diving courses, renting equipment, boat trips, rine Research and Conservation from Lošinj is
diving while SubSeaSon (Lošinj) offers a course precisely study of common bottlenose dolphins
offering underwater photography and underwa in the Adriatic sea so we can say that Losinj dol
ter archeology course. DIVER and SubSeaSon phin today is one of the best explored marine
(Lošinj) also offer diving programs for children. vertebrates in the whole Mediterranean. Sea
turtles can also be seen along with dolphins in
Island Of Lošinj Lošinj underwaters.
Number of inhabitants: City of Mali Lošinj 8244
The Losinj Reserve for Good Dolphins with
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving its 526 km2 is the largest protected area in
Climate the Adriatic Sea and it is the first reserve in-
Lošinj has a moderately warm climate with the tended to protect one dolphin population
hottest month of July, which has a moderate throughout the Mediterranean. Within
temperature of 24.5ºC and the coolest fasten the area there are 152 species of marine flora,
er at 7.7ºC. Average daily temperatures above 303 species of marine invertebrates (7 strict-
20ºC can be expected from the beginning of ly protected, 9 protected) and 112 species of
June to the end of September. The sea temper fish (of which 19 are endangered in Croa-
atures range from mid-June to the end of Sep tia). The area is also known as a place of ex-
tember by more than 20ºC, so it is pleasant to ceptional archaeological significance be-
bathe during that time until the winter tempera cause here it has bben found a Greek statue
ture drops to 9oC. in bronze that represents an invaluable repli-
ca of Lysipi’s Apoksiomeon. These features
According to climate predispositions, the make Lošinj’s aquarium extremely attrac-
diving season can last at least 6 months: tive for scuba diving.
from May to October. Given the fact that
currently it last 3 months from June to Au- Diving Sites
gust, it can be concluded that the potential
of diving tourism in pre-season and subsec- Diving centers in the area of the island (4) of
tion is insufficiently utilized. fer visits to locations in the wider Lošinj aqua
Because of the marked indentedness of the sea Natural attractions: the walls of the island
that moors the shore of the islands, underwa of Suska, Unija, Zeča and Cutina with their Red
ter is rich in plant and animal life. The constant Gorgonians; ‘Cathedral’ cave system at Premu
flow of the sea between bays and coves gives the da; wall and cave on Srakane Island; the wall of
sea a pronounced clarity and clarity, purity and the Zebulunite; Guilt.
transparency. There are 112 species of fish in the
sea (of which 30 are endemic species), 71 species Flooded ships: Etnea / Tihany (1917); Am
of tens of thousands of crabs, shellfish, snails, sterdam; St. Stephen (1914)
various kinds of shrubs and thistles. Dolphins
are frequent visitors to this area, unlike some of Ancient Locations: An Apoksiomeon Stat
the neighboring countries where they have com ue; remains of amphora near Wolff Tihany; ar
chaeological remains near Susak.
Underwater Historic Park Losinj is located
within the diving center DIVER - LOŠINJ in
Čikat bay. The park setting consists of 11 differ
ent exhibits that testify to the rich history of the
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 67 centers do not offer package deals. dolphins that inhabits the sea around Cres and
Lošinj counts 200 dolphins. Major scientific rea
Most diving centers offer the same services search interest of Blue World Institute of Ma
as: diving courses, renting equipment, boat trips, rine Research and Conservation from Lošinj is
diving while SubSeaSon (Lošinj) offers a course precisely study of common bottlenose dolphins
offering underwater photography and underwa in the Adriatic sea so we can say that Losinj dol
ter archeology course. DIVER and SubSeaSon phin today is one of the best explored marine
(Lošinj) also offer diving programs for children. vertebrates in the whole Mediterranean. Sea
turtles can also be seen along with dolphins in
Island Of Lošinj Lošinj underwaters.
Number of inhabitants: City of Mali Lošinj 8244
The Losinj Reserve for Good Dolphins with
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving its 526 km2 is the largest protected area in
Climate the Adriatic Sea and it is the first reserve in-
Lošinj has a moderately warm climate with the tended to protect one dolphin population
hottest month of July, which has a moderate throughout the Mediterranean. Within
temperature of 24.5ºC and the coolest fasten the area there are 152 species of marine flora,
er at 7.7ºC. Average daily temperatures above 303 species of marine invertebrates (7 strict-
20ºC can be expected from the beginning of ly protected, 9 protected) and 112 species of
June to the end of September. The sea temper fish (of which 19 are endangered in Croa-
atures range from mid-June to the end of Sep tia). The area is also known as a place of ex-
tember by more than 20ºC, so it is pleasant to ceptional archaeological significance be-
bathe during that time until the winter tempera cause here it has bben found a Greek statue
ture drops to 9oC. in bronze that represents an invaluable repli-
ca of Lysipi’s Apoksiomeon. These features
According to climate predispositions, the make Lošinj’s aquarium extremely attrac-
diving season can last at least 6 months: tive for scuba diving.
from May to October. Given the fact that
currently it last 3 months from June to Au- Diving Sites
gust, it can be concluded that the potential
of diving tourism in pre-season and subsec- Diving centers in the area of the island (4) of
tion is insufficiently utilized. fer visits to locations in the wider Lošinj aqua
Because of the marked indentedness of the sea Natural attractions: the walls of the island
that moors the shore of the islands, underwa of Suska, Unija, Zeča and Cutina with their Red
ter is rich in plant and animal life. The constant Gorgonians; ‘Cathedral’ cave system at Premu
flow of the sea between bays and coves gives the da; wall and cave on Srakane Island; the wall of
sea a pronounced clarity and clarity, purity and the Zebulunite; Guilt.
transparency. There are 112 species of fish in the
sea (of which 30 are endemic species), 71 species Flooded ships: Etnea / Tihany (1917); Am
of tens of thousands of crabs, shellfish, snails, sterdam; St. Stephen (1914)
various kinds of shrubs and thistles. Dolphins
are frequent visitors to this area, unlike some of Ancient Locations: An Apoksiomeon Stat
the neighboring countries where they have com ue; remains of amphora near Wolff Tihany; ar
chaeological remains near Susak.
Underwater Historic Park Losinj is located
within the diving center DIVER - LOŠINJ in
Čikat bay. The park setting consists of 11 differ
ent exhibits that testify to the rich history of the