Page 32 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 7(2) (2019)
P. 32
zetek Riferimenti bibliografici
Deganutti M., a cura di, 2015. Rileggendo Fulvio
Prispevek analizira nekatera besedila Fulvija Tomizza
(Materada, 1960; La miglior vita, 1977; Il sogno dalmata, Tomizza. Roma: Aracne editrice.
2001), ki obravnavajo istrsko-dalmatinske tematike ob- Tomizza F., 1977. La miglior vita. Milano:
mejne kulture in so posebej povezana s temo odnosa
med identiteto in kulturo, zlasti med literaturo in oze- Rizzoli.
mljem. Tomizza F., 2000 (I ed. 1960). Materada.
Tematika mnogovrstne identitete, ki je danes zelo raz-
širjena, je v teh romanih popolnoma zarisana: rdeča istr- Milano: Bompiani.
ska zemlja ponazarja kulture in raznolikosti, ki sobivajo, Tomizza F., 2001. Il sogno dalmata. Milano:
se prepletajo in med sabo bogatijo, ne da bi se ena drugo
izničile, temveč kvečjemu opolnomočile. Mondadori.
Stabilnost teh korenin je povezana s premikanjem (po-
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 7 (2019), številk a 2 32tovanjem, eksodusom, migracijo) ter s prihajanjem in
odhajanjem med temi eksistencialnimi situacijami. Na-
hereditatiracija z zgodbami in zapleti posameznikov zrcali trnjev
in večkrat prekinjen tok zgodovine dežel, ki mejijo na Ja-
dran, ter tako povezujejo dogodke dvajsetega stoletja s
preteklostjo in jih projicirajo v prihodnost (ki ga danes
pooseblja globaliziran svet) migracijske problematike.


This study analyzes three texts by Fulvio Tomizza (Ma-
terada, 1960; La miglior vita, 1977; Il sogno dalmata, 2001)
based on the Istro-Dalmatic themes of frontier culture
and specifically linked to the relationship between iden-
tity and culture and particularly between literature and
The theme of multiple identity, which is now very wide-
spread, is fully configured (in other words) in these nov-
els: the Istrian red earth is the root of the subject who
writes and symbol of a culture of diversities which, co-
existing and intertwining, are enriched without cance-
ling themselves, but empowering themselves.
The stability of the roots is related to the movement
(travel, exodus, migration) and the coming and go-
ing between these existential situations. The narrative,
through the plots and stories of individuals, reflects the
sinuous and sometimes interrupted and precipitous
path of the history of the countries bordering the Adri-
atic, linking the events of the twentieth century to the
past and projecting itself on the future (now present in
the global world) of the issue of migrations.
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