Page 91 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(2) (2020)
P. 91
ia universitatistutt’oggi), mentre non ha rilevato alcuna eviden- not enough to learn it. The success in learning is influ-
il ruolo dei cartoni animati nell’acquisizione dell’italiano come L2 ... 91 za circa un rapporto diretto tra l’input linguisti- enced by a number of other factors such as: individu-
co dei cartoon e l’output degli studenti. Dall’ana- al differences, dominance of one language over anoth-
lisi, invece, si evince chiaramente come la visione er, higher cognitive factors, education, role of parents,
delle serie animate abbia prodotto un’ininter- motivation, social factors, and more. The widespread
rotta fidelizzazione alla rete che le trasmetteva. belief that merely watching cartoons in childhood can
produce the incidental acquisition of a second language
Povzetek in the child audience is not scientifically proven. There
are multiple interacting variables that are strongly in-
Trditev, da je otroštvo najprimernejše obdobje za usva- tertwined, in fact cartoons motivate and facilitate the
janje drugega jezika, ni sama po sebi zgrešena; upošteva- child to learn a new language as much as they induce a
ti pa moramo dejstvo, da izpostavljenost jeziku ni zados- relaxed and entertaining atmosphere, if the content and
ten pogoj za uspeh. Na uspešno usvajanje jezika vplivajo language are appropriate to their interests and level of
namreč različni dejavniki, kot so npr. individualne razli- development, if the language patterns are often repeat-
ke, dominantnost jezika, kognitivni faktorji, vzgoja, vlo- ed, if cartoon characters enter the child’s game, if chil-
ga staršev, motivacija, družbeni vidiki in marsikaj dru- dren share them with their parents, etc. In the article, a
gega. Splošno prepričanje, da lahko že samo gledanje brief review of the literature dealing with those issues
risank v otroštvu pri gledalcu – otroku omogoči sponta- is followed by a presentation of an anecdotal research
no usvajanje drugega jezika, nima znanstvene podlage. work carried out on the basis of 10 interviews given by
Na proces namreč vpliva več spremenljivk, ki se moč- 10 Slovenian L1 students who attend the Univerza na
no prepletajo: risanke motivirajo otroka in olajšajo usva- Primorskem / University of Primorska in Koper, Slove-
janje jezika, saj ustvarijo prijetno in zabavno vzdušje, če nia, where they study in Italian or the Italian language.
sta vsebina in izraz ustrezna glede na otrokova zanima- In the interviews, students express the belief that watch-
nja in stopnjo razvoja, če se jezikovne strukture pogos- ing cartoon during their childhood influenced their ac-
to ponavljajo, če se jezik iz risank seli na področje igre, quisition of the Italian language. The corpus analysis
če otroci spremljajo risanke skupaj s starši itd. V član- showed that cartoons stimulated students’ motivation
ku je najprej podan pregled literature, ki obravnava te to learn Italian, which continues to this day, but found
teme. V nadaljevanju je predstavljana raziskava na pod- no evidence of a direct relationship between the linguis-
lagi anekdotnih izkušenj, ki temelji na intervjujih z dese- tic input of cartoons and the students’ output. On the
timi študenti, katerih J1 je slovenščina in ki na Univerzi contrary, the analysis clearly shows that watching car-
na Primorskem v Kopru študirajo italijanščino oz. dru- toons produced an uninterrupted loyalty to the net-
ge predmete v italijanskem jeziku. V intervjujih študen- work that broadcast them.
ti izražajo prepričanje, da je gledanje risank v otroštvu
vplivalo na njihovo usvajanje italijanskega jezika. Anali- Riferimenti bibliografici
za korpusa je pokazala, da so risanke spodbudile študen-
te k učenju italijanščine – učinek motivacije je še vedno Alexiou, T. 2015. “Vocabulary uptake from
opazen –, neposredna korelacija med jezikovnim vno- Peppa pig: A case study of preschool EFL
som (inputom), ki so ga omogočile risanke, in jezikovno learners in Greece.” In Current Issues
produkcijo (outputom) študentov pa ni potrjena. Razi- in Second/Foreign Language Learning
skava je po drugi strani razkrila, da je gledanje risank za- and Teacher Development: Research and
gotovilo zvestobo gledalcev televizijskemu kanalu, ki jih Practice, a cura di Christina Gitsaki e
animirane filme predvajal. Thomai Alexiou, 285-301. Newcastle:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Alghonaim, A. S. 2019. “Impact of Watching
The claim that childhood is the best time to acquire a TV English Cartoons on EFL Language
second language is not inherently wrong if one takes Acquisition: A Case Study of an Arabic
into account that exposure to a new language alone is
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