Page 92 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(2) (2020)
P. 92
Young Child.” Arab Journal for Scientificstudia universitatis hereditati, letnik 8 (2020), številka 2 92Ellis, R. e N. Shintani. 2014. Exploring
Publishing (AJSP) ISSN 2663 5798: 23-54. language pedagogy through second language
Bahrami, T. e B. T. S. Sim. 2012. “Audiovisualhereditati acquisition research. Abingdon-New York:
News, Cartoons, and Films as Sources of Routledge.
Authentic Language Input and Language
Proficiency Enhancement.” Turkish Online Farné, R. 1988. “Dieci anni dopo Goldrake.” In
Journal of Educational Technology 11(4): I figli della TV, a cura di Piero Bertolini e
56-64. Milena Manini. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
Bahrami, T. e B. T. S. Sim. 2014. “The Effect
of Exposure to Cartoons on Language Fusari, S. 2007. “Idioletti e dialetti nel
Proficiency.” Pertanika Journal of Social doppiaggio italiano de I Simpson.”
Sciences & Humanities 22(1): 137-146. Quaderni del CeSLiC. https://doi. org/10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2182.
Birdsong D. 2018. “Plasticity, Variability and
Age in Second Language Acquisition and Ghorbani, M. R. 2011. “Watching cartoons
Bilingualism.” Frontiers in Psychology 9: 81. with subtitles improves children’s foreign language acquisition.” US-China Foreign
Borghi, A.R. 1988. “Mezz’ora di TV a scuola.” language 9(4): 241-246.
In I figli della TV, a cura di Piero Bertolini
e Milena Manini, 129-140. Firenze: La Johnstone, R. 2018. “Languages policy and
Nuova Italia. English for young learners in early
Bourdieu, P. 1995. Le ragioni pratiche. Tradotto education.” In The Routledge Handbook
da Roberta Ferrara. Bologna: Il Mulino. of Teaching English to Young Learners, a
Bruner, J. S. 1966. Toward a theory of cura di Sue Garton e Fiona Copland, 13-29.
instruction. Harvard: Harvard University Abingdon-New York: Routledge.
Cardamone, D. 2015. “Cartoni animati Karakas, A. e A. Sariçoban. 2012. “The Impact
tra oriente e occidente.” Quaderni di of Watching Subtitled Animated Cartoons
Intercultura VII: 33-47. DOI 10.3271/M28 on Incidental Vocabulary Learning of
Clark, C. 2000. “Innovative strategy: Concept ELT Students.” Teaching English with
cartoons.” Instructional and learning Technology 12(4): 3-15.
strategies 12: 34-45.
Crescentini C. e F. Fabbro. 2014. Kotrlová, V. 2012. “Comprehension in English:
Neuropsicologia del bilinguismo nei Television Shows and Comprehension
bambini. Trieste: Associazione temporanea Skills.” PhD diss., Masarykova univerzita.
di scopo Jezik-Lingua.
D’Amato, M. 2006. “Introduzione.” In Krcmar, M., B. Grela, e K. Lin. 2007. “Can
Bambini multimediali. Per giocare, per toddlers learn vocabulary from television?
conoscere, per crescere, a cura di Marina An experimental approach.” Media
D’Amato, V-XIX. Firenze: Istituto degli Psychology 10(1): 41-63.
Doring, A. 2002. “The Use of Cartoons as Krashen, S. 1985. The input hypothesis: Issues
a Teaching and Learning Strategy with and implications. New York: Longman.
Adult Learners.” New Zealand Journal of
adult learning 30(1): 56-62. Lenneberg, E. H. 1967. “The biological
foundations of language.” Hospital Practice
2(12): 59-67.
Maranzana, S. 2014. Using YouTube to enhance
L2 listening skills: animated cartoons in
the Italian classroom. http://hdl.handle.
Metastasio, R. 2002. La scatola magica: TV,
bambini e socializzazione. Roma: Carocci.
Muñoz, C. e D. Singleton. 2011. “A critical
review of age-related research on L2
Publishing (AJSP) ISSN 2663 5798: 23-54. language pedagogy through second language
Bahrami, T. e B. T. S. Sim. 2012. “Audiovisualhereditati acquisition research. Abingdon-New York:
News, Cartoons, and Films as Sources of Routledge.
Authentic Language Input and Language
Proficiency Enhancement.” Turkish Online Farné, R. 1988. “Dieci anni dopo Goldrake.” In
Journal of Educational Technology 11(4): I figli della TV, a cura di Piero Bertolini e
56-64. Milena Manini. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
Bahrami, T. e B. T. S. Sim. 2014. “The Effect
of Exposure to Cartoons on Language Fusari, S. 2007. “Idioletti e dialetti nel
Proficiency.” Pertanika Journal of Social doppiaggio italiano de I Simpson.”
Sciences & Humanities 22(1): 137-146. Quaderni del CeSLiC. https://doi. org/10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2182.
Birdsong D. 2018. “Plasticity, Variability and
Age in Second Language Acquisition and Ghorbani, M. R. 2011. “Watching cartoons
Bilingualism.” Frontiers in Psychology 9: 81. with subtitles improves children’s foreign language acquisition.” US-China Foreign
Borghi, A.R. 1988. “Mezz’ora di TV a scuola.” language 9(4): 241-246.
In I figli della TV, a cura di Piero Bertolini
e Milena Manini, 129-140. Firenze: La Johnstone, R. 2018. “Languages policy and
Nuova Italia. English for young learners in early
Bourdieu, P. 1995. Le ragioni pratiche. Tradotto education.” In The Routledge Handbook
da Roberta Ferrara. Bologna: Il Mulino. of Teaching English to Young Learners, a
Bruner, J. S. 1966. Toward a theory of cura di Sue Garton e Fiona Copland, 13-29.
instruction. Harvard: Harvard University Abingdon-New York: Routledge.
Cardamone, D. 2015. “Cartoni animati Karakas, A. e A. Sariçoban. 2012. “The Impact
tra oriente e occidente.” Quaderni di of Watching Subtitled Animated Cartoons
Intercultura VII: 33-47. DOI 10.3271/M28 on Incidental Vocabulary Learning of
Clark, C. 2000. “Innovative strategy: Concept ELT Students.” Teaching English with
cartoons.” Instructional and learning Technology 12(4): 3-15.
strategies 12: 34-45.
Crescentini C. e F. Fabbro. 2014. Kotrlová, V. 2012. “Comprehension in English:
Neuropsicologia del bilinguismo nei Television Shows and Comprehension
bambini. Trieste: Associazione temporanea Skills.” PhD diss., Masarykova univerzita.
di scopo Jezik-Lingua.
D’Amato, M. 2006. “Introduzione.” In Krcmar, M., B. Grela, e K. Lin. 2007. “Can
Bambini multimediali. Per giocare, per toddlers learn vocabulary from television?
conoscere, per crescere, a cura di Marina An experimental approach.” Media
D’Amato, V-XIX. Firenze: Istituto degli Psychology 10(1): 41-63.
Doring, A. 2002. “The Use of Cartoons as Krashen, S. 1985. The input hypothesis: Issues
a Teaching and Learning Strategy with and implications. New York: Longman.
Adult Learners.” New Zealand Journal of
adult learning 30(1): 56-62. Lenneberg, E. H. 1967. “The biological
foundations of language.” Hospital Practice
2(12): 59-67.
Maranzana, S. 2014. Using YouTube to enhance
L2 listening skills: animated cartoons in
the Italian classroom. http://hdl.handle.
Metastasio, R. 2002. La scatola magica: TV,
bambini e socializzazione. Roma: Carocci.
Muñoz, C. e D. Singleton. 2011. “A critical
review of age-related research on L2