Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani
The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana
Letnik 15 (2019), številka 30 | Volume 15 (2019), Number 30
- Ana Kavčič Pucihar: Učiteljeve strategije poučevanja pri individualnem inštrumentalnem pouku flavte v glasbenih šolah
Teaching Strategies in Individual Instrumental Flute Instruction in Music Schools - Jelena Cvetković Crvenica, Milica Jovanović: Ocena akreditiranega profesionalnega programa usposabljanja na področju solfeggio v Srbiji 2011–2019
Evaluation of the Accredited Professional Training Program in the Field of Solfeggio in Serbia 2011–2019 - Milena Petrović: Skupinsko petje in kolektivna identiteta
Group Singing and Collective Identity - Alja Lapuh: Usvajanje glasbenega znanja in veščin pri otrocih z Aspergerjevim sindromom
Adoption of Musical Knowledge and Skills in Children with Asperger’s Syndrome - Zdravko Drenjančević: Elementi ljudske glasbe Slavonije v delih skladateljev umetniške glasbe 20. stoletja (povzetek doktorske disertacije)
The Elements of Traditional Slavonian Music in Pieces of the 20th Century Art Music Composers (Abstract of the Doctoral Thesis) - Ana Kavčič Pucihar: Teaching strategies in individual instrumental flute instruction in music schools (povzetek doktorske disertacije)
Teaching Strategies in Individual Instrumental Flute Instruction in Music Schools (Abstract of the Doctoral Thesis) - Karolina Šantl Zupan: Interakcija med umetniškim in pedagoškim izobraževanjem bodočih učiteljev pihalnih instrumentov (povzetek doktorske disertacije)
Interaction between Artistic and Pedagogical Training for Future Teachers of Wind Instruments (Abstract of the Doctoral Thesis)
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