Revija za filozofijo in psihologijo
Journal of Philosophy & Psychology
ISSN 0587-5161 | E-ISSN 2630-4082
- Ksenija Vidmar Horvat, Rememorizing Memories
Rememorising Memories of War and Transition
- Igor Štiks, Hypochondria as Collective Syndrome? Nationalist-Conservative Hegemony in the Balkans, and How to Fight It
- Daša Tepina and Petja Grafenauer, Art and Revolt: From the Socialist Republic of Slovenia to Today
- Gal Kirn, Postajanje tovarišev v boju: umetnost in skrb za nečloveški svet ter partizanska subjektivnost v jugoslovanskem narodnoosvobodilnem boju
- Ana Hofman, ‘Revolution is Learned Faster than Culture’: On the Amateur-Professional Relationship in the Artistic Legacies of the People’s Liberation Struggle
- Katja Kobolt, Literature Builds Children, Children Build Literature: Literary Education in Socialist Yugoslavia and Children’s Literary Agency
Memorising through Comics/Graphic Novels
- Tanja Petrović, Graphic Memories of Yugoslav Wars: Rat by Ðo & Dju and Vojna by Goran Duplančić
- Nina Cvar and Zora Žbontar, Engaging Miki Muster’s Legacy: Remembering Zvitorepec (Slyboots) in Contemporary Slovenia
- Robin R. Mudry, Saudek and Macourek’s Muriel: (After)Lives of a Czechoslovak
Anti-Normalisation Superheroine - Mirt Komel, Alan Ford Goes to Yugoslavia: From Tautology to Ideology
- Petra Rekar and Mitja Perat, Effect of Cognitive Reflection on Escalation of Commitment
- Branko Žličar, Baudrillard, Ballard, Virilio: potencial integralne nesreče v dobi simulacije
- Janez Bregant, In memoriam | Milestones in Nenad Miščević’s Philosophical Career (1950–2024)
- Samanta Hervol in Lucia Rojs, Recenzija | Vita Poštuvan in Mojca Čerče (ur.), Psiholog v dilemi: etične vsebine in etična zavest v praksi
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