Management: Guidelines for Authors

Only articles that have not been previously published will be accepted. Articles should be submitted to

Submissions should include:

  • Name and surname of each author, the name of the organisation or institution, and the institutional e-mail
  • Abstract (100–150 words), which should represent the summary of the article
  • Introduction: provides background that puts the manuscript into context and allows readers to understand the significance of the text
  • Main part: description of the topic, new work methods, current trends, and critical reviews, divided into subsections
  • Conclusion: include key findings, recommendations, and suggestions for their implications in practice
  • References: are cited at the end of the submission.

The article length for the journal Management should ideally be around 3.500 words. Longer or shorter articles will be reviewed by the editors and approved accordingly.

Formatting. Avoid any formatting that is irrelevant to the content of the manuscript; the manuscript should only be formatted in such a way that its structure is apparent. Paper size should be A4, with 25 mm margins. Font size should be Times New Roman 12pt. Use italics for emphasis and bold for headings.

Tables and Figures. Tables should be embedded in the text, while graphs and images should be in separate files. Vector images should be in .eps format and raster images in .jpg or .tiff formats; raster images should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Graphs should be in .xls format.

Bibliographical citations and reference lists should be arranged according to the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date style). For each bibliographical reference, the reference list should include the corresponding bibliographical description; the reference list should not include bibliographical descriptions for works that are not referenced in the text. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all bibliographical references and bibliographical descriptions. Titles and other words in languages using non-Roman scripts should be transliterated.

We welcome lecturers, employees, graduates, MA students, PhD students and all interested parties to submit their manuscripts, which can – among other topics – be about collaboration between university and industry and projects or presentations of successful methods/models/concepts within your organisations.

Management is a professional journal so please note that we do not conduct a peer-review process or obtain reviews as is customary with academic journals.

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