Letnik 5 (2017), številka 1 | Volume 5 (2017), Number 1
- Zrinka Mileusnić: Uvodnik | Editorial
- Irena Lazar, Alenka Tomaž: Project AS– an example of comprehensive heritage promotion: project AS and the site
- Zrinka Mileusnić: Project ATAS – Ancient traps of the Adriatic Sea: objectives, obstacles and results with focus on the cultural and heritage tourism
- Katharina Zanier: The accessibility, use, fruition and enrichment of immobile cultural heritage: a review of legislation in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy
- Zrinka Ettinger Starčić, Hrvoje Potrebica: Apoxyomenos– underwater cultural heritage and museum in the service of the local community and tourism
- Ana Šilović: SWOT analysis of potentials of diving tourism and underwater heritage
in Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro - Ida Koncani Uhač, Neven Iveša, Danijela Mioković, Ana Žužić: Opportunities and challeges of tourist valorization of Zambratija cove (Umag)
- Matej Draksler, Mojca Fras, Rene Masaryk: Projekt NAVIS – presentation and promotion of cultural (archeological) heritage through the construction and use of historic vessels
- Gorazd Sedmak: Heritage Marketing in Tourism
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