Revija za filozofijo in psihologijo
Journal of Philosophy & Psychology
ISSN 0587-5161 | E-ISSN 2630-4082
- Tomaž Grušovnik, On the Necessity of Teaching Philosophy
Mesto filozofije v predmetniku The Place of Philosophy in the Curriculum
- Basilius M. Kasera, Mirjam Sheyapo, and Penehafo Henok, Philosophy in Education: A Namibian Pursuit of a Liberative Pedagogy
- Bruno Ćurko, Teaching How to Think: The Philosophical Foundations of the School Subject ‘The World and I’
- Alok Gardia, Integration of Ancient Indian Knowledge in Education as Envisaged in National Education Policy – 2020: A Theoretical Analysis
Logiške in znanstvenoteoretične raziskave Investigations in Logics and Theory of Science
- Danilo Šuster, Epistemologija vrlin in Nezemljani
- Borut Cerkovnik, Kako izključujemo ali vključujemo druge? Logično-filozofska analiza
- Sebastijan Pešec, Med antropocentrizmom in antropomorfizmom: primer Fermijevega paradoksa
Živali Animals
- Suzana Marjanić, Looking into the Face of an Animal or a Mirror: The Case Study of Marina Abramović’s Gaze into the Donkey’s Eyes/Face
Psihologija Psychology
- Ana Milošič, Nejc Plohl in Bojan Musil, Vloga potrebe po stalni dosegljivosti na spletnih socialnih omrežjih pri napovedovanju stresa in psihološkega blagostanja
- Katja Utroša, Interview | ‘Every Living Thing Has a Soul’ – Radical Peace Liberation Struggles and Nonviolence: An Interview with Purushottama Bilimoria
- Tomislav Furlanis, Book Review | Shannon Vallor, The AI Mirror: How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking
- Timotej Prosen, Recenzija | Andrej Ule, O naravi duha
- Nava Bar, Book Review | Arie Kizel, Enabling Students’ Voices and Identities: Philosophical Inquiry in a Time of Discord
Celotna številka | Complete Issue