The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana

Letnik 13 (2017), številka 27 | Volume 13 (2017), Number 27

    Branka Rotar Pance: Aktivno uèenje glasbe in zasnova sodobne didaktike glasbe pri
    eksperimentalnem pouku Brede Oblak
    Breda Oblak’s Experimental Music Education: Active Music Learning and Conception
    of Modern Music Teaching ………………………………………………………………………………… 5
    Bogdana Borota: Pogled na didaktiène zbirke za glasbeno vzgojo Brede Oblak z
    diahrone perspektive
    A View of Didactic Sets by Breda Oblak from a Diachronic Perspective ……………….. 29
    Barbara Sicherl Kafol: Sodobna razsenost kurikulumov za glasbeno vzgojo Brede
    Modern Dimensions of Breda Oblak’s Music Education Curricula ……………………….. 49
    Tina Bohak: Breda Oblak – spiritus agens seminarskega izobraevanja glasbenih
    pedagogov »Glasbeni Bovec«
    Breda Oblak – Spiritus Agens of the Seminar Education of Music Pedagogues, Named
    “Glasbeni Bovec”……………………………………………………………………………………………. 65
    Katarina Habe: Osebnostne vrline in obèutek poslanstva glasbenih pedagogov –
    temelj uspešne poklicne kariere glasbenega pedagoga
    Character Virtues and Experiencing Profession as a Calling in Music Educators –
    A Core of Succesful Music Teaching …………………………………………………………………. 77
    Paul Crowther: Glasba kot virtualna izraznost
    Music as Virtual Expression …………………………………………………………………………….. 95
    Darja Koter: Vpliv Jurèeta Vreeta na razvoj mladinskih pevskih zborov na
    The Influence of Jurèe Vree on the Development of Youth Choirs in Styria …………. 103
    Ivana Paula Gortan – Carlin, Lorena Lazariæ: Regionalna kulturna ozavešèenost
    študentov edukacijskih ved s posebnim poudarkom na regionalni glasbi Istre
    Regional Cultural Awareness of Educational Sciences Students with a Special Review
    of the Istrian Regional Music ………………………………………………………………………….. 117
    Jelena Blaškoviæ, Tihomir Prša: Izkušnje in odnos osnovnošolcev do gregorijanskega
    Experience and Attitude of Primary School Students Towards Gregorian Singing … 133
    Sabina Vidulin: Pristop “Poslušanje in ustvarjanje glasbe” v funkciji boljšega
    razmevanja glasbe
    The “Listening to and Making Music” Approach in the Function of Improving
    Musical Understanding ………………………………………………………………………………….. 145

    Olga Denac, Helena Vargazon: Vpliv institucionalne glasbene vzgoje na raven
    razvitosti melodiènega in ritmiènega posluha 5-6 let starih otrok
    The Effects of Institutional Music Education on the Level of Melodic and Rhytmic
    Abilities Development in 5-6 Year Olds ……………………………………………………………. 163
    Katarina Zadnik, Danaja Koren: Montessori pedagogika in njena vloga pri nauku o
    glasbi v glasbeni šoli
    Montessori Pedagogy and Its Role in Music Theory in Music School …………………… 175
    Anja Ivec: Pomen motivacije v projektu »Dijaki komponisti« Konservatorija Maribor
    The Meaning of Motivation in the Student Composer Project
    at Conservatory Maribor ……………………………………………………………………………….. 191
    Marina Bizjak: Pedagoški pristopi pri pouèevanju petja v èasu glasovnih sprememb
    Pedagogical Approaches for Teaching Singing at the Time of Voice Change ……….. 201
    Vildana Repše: Vprašanje izbire uènega gradiva za violino v nijih razredih glasbene
    The Question of Choice of Learning Material for Violin in Lower Grades of Music
    Schools ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 207
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