Changing Living Spaces:
Subsistence and Sustenance in Eurasian Economies from Early Modern Times to the Present
Edited by Satoshi Murayama, Žarko Lazarević
and Aleksander Panjek
Slovenian Scientific Series in Humanities 12
ISBN 978-961-293-399-9 | PDF
ISBN 978-961-293-400-2 | HTML
Table of Contents
- Satosthi Murayama, An Introduction to the Living Spaces Concept
Part One | Social and Economic Contexts
- Luca Mocarelli and Paolo Tedeschi, The Privatization of the Common Real Estate in Lombard Alpine Valleys in the Nineteenth Century: Social, Economic, and Environmental Effects
- Žarko Lazarević, Peasants, Land, and Work: Structures of Peasant Economy in Slovenia in the Interwar Period
- Haruhisa Asada, Living Spaces of Ethnic Groups and their Relationship with the Ecological Environment in Assam, India
- Josef Grulich, The Transformation of the Migratory Strategies of the Rural Population During the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century: A Case Study of the Royal Town and Estate of České Budějovice (Budweis)
Part Two | Utilization of Resources
- Taro Takemoto, Utilization of Grass and Wood in Common-Use Imperial Land and Incorporation into Conservation Forest in Yamanashi Prefecture in the Early Twentieth Century
- Miyuki Takahashi, Horses in Early Modern Japan: Livestock Usage in Asaka and Katsushika Counties
- Laitpharlang Cajee and Monica Mawlong, Traditional Pottery Making as a Local Asset for Sustainable Development in North East India: Larnai Village, Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
- Noriko Yuzawa, Structural Changes in Fertilizer Circulation in Modern Japan: Analysis Based on the Change in Relationship between the Use of Night Soil and the Disposal of Human Waste
Part Three | Natural Variables
- Masanori Takashima, Wet-Rice Agriculture and Economic Growth in Pre-Industrial Japan
- Satoshi Murayama, Hiroko Nakamura, Noboru Higashi, and Toru Terao, Agricultural Crises Due to Flood, Drought, and Lack of Sunshine in the East Asian Monsoon Region: An Environmental History of Takahama in the Amakusa Islands, Kyushu, Japan, 1793–1818
- Aleksander Panjek and Gregor Kovačič, The Neverlake: Water and Land Management in a Dry and Soilless Place: a Micro Case in the Long Run (Classical Karst from the Seventeenth to the Twenty-First Century)